🌸Their First Kiss🌸

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House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: Pureblood
Year: 6th Year
Summary: Draco and Y/n have spent their whole life together, but only started dating a year ago. But hey, they've been in love forever going before Hogwarts started, today they are just reminiscing on those times

Y/n's POV...

I walked along the halls as the breeze of the autumn wind flew through the open windows around Hogwarts,

My hair in a loose bun and my robes flowing back from the bottom with every step,

It was Saturday a day off so me and Draco decided we'll make it a day just for us,

I greeted familiar faces as I headed towards his prefect dorm,

My feet came to a stop as my knuckles were only inches from the entrance to knock, when it swung open by a laughing Pansy and Theo, I greeted them a good afternoon then stepping in,

I heard light snores from standing outside his doors I tried the knob before knocking not wanting him to wake up,

The door creaked as I slowly opened it and tip-toed inside there was a book laying on his chest his mouth slightly open and his chest rising up and down,

I giggled to myself quietly closing and locking the door, and waking to the bed sliding off my shoes and robe and slipping inside the blanket beside him,

He opened his eyes for a split second to look down at me then pulling me in to cuddle, we both laid in each other's arms in satisfying pure silence only to hear the water stream from outside and the wind rustling the autumn leaves,

~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~

Draco's POV...

After an hour nap I yawned as my eyes fluttered open to look down at her reading one of my books, looks like she'd just woken up,

"Hey little one..." my groggy voice greeted her, as I ran my hand through her hair,

"Hello" she said as tilted her head up and pecked my lips,

"Merlin these children remind me of us when we were their age-" she laughed to herself reading the book,

"Yeah?...how?" I asked holding her closer and burying my lips in her neck as my eyes scanned the page she was reading,

"They are always nitpicking at each other but still save each other's ass when needed" she giggled as I peppered kisses along her neck,

"Hmm?" I said as I gently pulled the book out of her hands put it aside and hovered over her, i bent down and gave her lips a sweet small kiss, and whispered against her lips,

"You remember our first ever kiss?" I looked down into her eyes,

"The one at the Yule ball? Or the other one?" She asked, as her hands rested on my shoulders,

I let out a chuckle as I replied, "The other one",

"Ohhhh....aww I remember that one" she smiled widely as a blush took over her cheeks,

My mind faded back to that memory


3rd Person view...

Two young minds ran around the Malfoy Manor, as their parents sat in the hall chit chatting about their daily lives or talking up about their children's newest accomplishments,

They both came to a halt in front of two large doors upstairs, both of their eyes staring up at it in awe, Draco's hand still in hold of Y/n's ponytail from when he was pulling at it,

Even though Draco lived here he had never seen such a thing, both of them whispered to each other, where Draco insisted they tell the adults as to Y/n nudged her elbow into his stomach telling him they might've just discovered a gold mine,

Draco rolled his eyes at that, as she give his head a little smack going for a stool she found in the nearby guest room, and climbed it trying to pull the door open to her dream of a gold mine,

Draco pushed her off the stool as he laughed at her crumbled state on the floor, and climbed it shaking his head his tiny hands gripped the handles and he pushed it open with all his force,

He made a mocking face at her as he jumped down the stool, she glared down at him as he stride in with pride shinning all over his face with his accomplishment of getting the door open,

Disappointment crept onto their faces as their eyes wandered the room, their feet stood in the middle of a room with no gold as they had wished,

Y/n was ready to walk back out but Draco didn't like seeing her disappointed, so he yanked her arm back in pushed the door closed, he sat her down on the carpet with her legs crisscrossed, and pulled the sheet off of a piano in the room, he sat on the stool but it was too low for him to reach the keys so he went on his knees on the stool, smiled down at his best friend,

His tiny fingers played a nursery rhyme he had learned in his piano lessons, as Y/n swayed her body side to side to the music with a tiny smile on her face, the expression on her face gave him confidence so he started playing it a bit faster, hitting the wrong and a loud note, startling himself and falling off the stool,

Y/n fell back onto the ground as her laughs echoed throughout the room, and Draco looked at her happy face and laughed to himself, at least he made her laugh somehow, after her laughing fit was over she ran to him and hugged him, his arms reached around her as he hugged her,

Y/n pulled away and gave his cheek a quick kiss, and at that moment they both knew this was a moment they would never forget....Their First Kiss,

1,140 words...

Ok....sorry....for being a no show for 2 months....I really am, but school started and I got really busy and then exams came and that was a burden...but ya I am really sorry I don't even know if people are still gonna read this but yeah I am sorry, I really missed a lot of you and a lot of new people joined so hello! and speaking of new people reading this! I HAVE FUCKING 38.7K READS!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! OH MY GOD! WOW!!! AHHHHHHHHHH! I LOVE YOU! THAT'S RIGHT! I LOVE YOU! and thankyou so much for the people still reading absolutely adore you, And wow the comments like always are gold I am glad to be back and will try to update whenever I can and again sorry for the 2 month no show will try to do better and THANK YOU FOR 38.7K you horny bitch! So have a good day, or I hope you had a good day, LOVE YOU! BYEEEEEEE! you look absolutely delicious by the way,


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