Chapter 3

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Leon Toussaint P.O.V

I pitied Elroy, Iris Monet is all he has left. His only child passed, his son-in-law passed and his wife passed. There is only two people alive with the last name Monet. Elroy never stops talking about Iris, from what I have heard she is an innocent angel. I have never met her before.

Once, Elroy left Alexander told me to come to his office with him. I walked towards his office, I knocked the door and received a loud "come in". I opened the door and walked in once, I was inside I closed the door. I sat down in front of Alexander.

"we need to pick the nurses for our team." Alexander said while taking out a piece of paper. On the paper there were the names from our best medical unit members. I circled one name, Oliver Vernier. He Is one of the best nurse I know. I returned the paper to Alexander.

"I think Corbin Blouin is perfect for this." Alexander said. I noted my head agreeing. I call the head of the medical team Marc Bohen.

"Greetings, Dr.Bohen I will be needing Oliver Vernier and Corbin Blouin. They will be excused of all activities, We will be needing them for the project." I said.

"Yes your highness." Dr.Bohen said.


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