Chapter 22

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Third person P.O.V

The two daddy's walked in the room and straight to the bed. They shook their little one trying to wake her up. 

"Princess wakie wakie it's time to get up. We have a very exciting day today!" Leon said. Deep down Leon knew that his princess was probably going to be scared of him after the spankies he gave but, He hoped she knew that she was being naughty. 

"Dun wan wakie, Dun distwurb Iwis sleepys." The grump sleepy little answered. Iris was definitely not a morning person. 

"Come on wake up Iris." Alexander responded to the grumpy little. Alexander and Leon had always been morning people. But, Iris liked spending time with her bed. 

"Princess up now." Leon said while patting her bum.

"NU! GO OUTS! NU DISTWURB IWIS SLEEPS!" Iris screamed irritated by her daddies actions. The two daddies cheerful expressions fell. Iris opened one eye and looked at her daddies. Soon, she realized how badly she messed up. 

Alexander calmed himself down and slowly pulled the blanket. He carried a squirming Iris to the sofa, Leon followed behind him. Alexander pulled Iris over his lap and pulled up her night gown. He didn't forget to pull down her pink panties. He rubbed her bottom preparing to turn them into cherries. 

Iris laid across her daddy's lap, Scared for her punishment. 

"Iris I am going to spank you 10 times, and then daddy Leon will give you 10 spankings. What is your safe word ?" Alexander asked. 

"Green for okay, yellow for slow down and red for stop." Iris responded in a whispering tone.

"I am going to start now." Alexander said very calmly it scared Iris. 

Alexander started raining spanks on Iris's bottom. By the third spank Iris was sobbing.

"Stawp pease daddy! It huwts!" Iris whimpered. 

Alexander rained spanks all over her bum and sit spots. The little was going to have a very sore bum once this spanking ended.

Once Alexander finished the ten spanks he hugged Iris right away. Iris put her head on her daddy's shoulder crook.

"Daddy nu spankies pease." Iris said while looking at Leon with puppy eyes. 

"Iris just ten more spankies." Leon answered while picking up Iris. He sat down on the sofa, He put Iris's legs between his and laid her across his lap. 

"Iris daddy is going to start now." Leon announced. He rained spanks all over her bum. By, the first spank Iris started sobbing again. Alexander stood up and sat next to Leon. 

Once, Leon finished sat Iris on one of his thighs and one on Alexanders thighs. They hugged the little.

"You're forgiven princess, We love you." Leon and Alexander comforted the little. Once, Iris stopped crying Alexander asked her a question.

"Do you know why you were punished princess ?" Alexander asked.

"Because Iris screamed and didn't listen to daddy." Iris replied.

"Yes, sweets that is correct." Leon answered the little.

"How does a bubble bath sound little one ?" Leon asked.

"Iwis wan bubble baf wif duckies pease." Iris answered.

"Yes bubby with all the duckies." Alexander said. 

Daddies Little PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now