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       "So they put one counselor and one junior counselor in a cabin together?" Beomgyu nodded, but was quickly distracted when we exited the bus. Soobin saw three other guys the same age as them unloading one of the busses.

"Kai! Taehyun!" the two of them turned, waving back at Beomgyu. Soobin trailed behind feeling a little awkward.

"Who's your friend?" the third guy asked, and as soon as Beomgyu noticed him his mouth fell open.

"Is that Yeonjun? The Choi Yeonjun?! I haven't seen you in like.. two years!" Beomgyu exclaimed.

"He decided to show up, scare the shit out of all of us," Taehyun said. Soobin gave the Yeonjun guy a once over, he was tall with some of the longest legs Soobin had seen on a human. His dark hair was parted in the middle and a little messy. He had to admit, he was a very attractive guy. Yeonjun noticed Soobin staring and smirked at him cockily. Soobin turned away quickly, embarrassed. He looked like he took axe showers anyway.

"This is Soobin, it's his first time so be nice to him," the boys all greeted him, before instructing the two on what they were supposed to be doing. Having bits of random conversation and catching up.

"Where are the girls at? They should be helping us," Kai complained, Yeonjun snickered at the boy's eagerness.

"Of course you would want to know that," Yeonjun rolled his eyes.

"What? I mean.. we haven't seen them in a year, there my friends too,"

"Friends, yeah right, poor Kai can't get out of the friendzone," Taehyun Jokes, making everyone laugh. Except Soobin who had no idea what he was doing.

"You came here to work right, new kid?" Soobin looked up, Yeonjun was looking right at him. Soobin just nodded.

"Well then why don't you make yourself useful and help carry these over to that pile. We're dividing the luggage in a girls pile and a boys pile," he picked up a particularly large duffel bag and chucked it in Soobins direction. It hit him squarely in the chest, knocking him onto his butt. Soobin glared up, expecting an apology assuming it was an accident. But Yeonjun just sniggered, turning back to the bus he was unloading. 'great already making friends,' Soobin thought to himself.

The kids came streaming out of the busses, and Soobin could feel his headache starting already. Was it too late to go home? There was no way he was cut out for this. The older counselor from the bus walked up to the group of them to hand out cabin assignments. Apparently all the girls' cabins were named after birds and the boys were different trees. all Nature was gross in soobins opinion.

"What are you in?" Beomgyu asked, walking up beside him as they grabbed their stuff and headed up the little paths to the cabins.

"pine tree," Soobin said, sounding as sad as he felt. He was not happy about any of this.

"Damn, too bad we won't be next to each other. Each cabin is connected to one other by a bathroom that both the cabins share. I remember my old counselors would always sneak out to the bathroom in the middle of the night and smoke weed with the counselors in the other cabin," he sighed dramatically.

"Those were the good old days," Soobin was sure his mom hadn't known about that when she had signed him up.

"Here's your cabin, see you soon," Beomgyu waved before continuing down the trail. Soobin looked up, there were two cabins next to each other, connected by what could only be the bathroom. A front porch stretched across both of them. One door was marked 'pine tree' by a wooden handmade sign, the other one read 'birch'.

"Well look at that," Soobin turned around at the sound of a voice behind him. Of course it was Yeonjun, wearing a large grin. Soobin resisted the urge to groan.

"Looks like the new kid and I are neighbors, this is going to be a great bonding experience," Yeonjun winked, walking up the stairs to the front door of his cabin. He turned around before entering.

"And also, Pine tree has a snake problem... just so you know. Don't be afraid to yell for help, I've dealt with snakes lots of times before,"

"I bet seeing as how they are your closest relatives," Soobin said matter of factly. He walked into his cabin before Yeonjun could register what he just said. Yeonjun reminded Soobin of all the guys he hated at school. Popular, overconfident, think they could get anyone just because they were hot.

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