Adopting Eri

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Izuku, Lottus, and Whis were at the doctor's with Eri. It was a little suspicious for the office at first, but once Izuku told them who his father was they gave her the best room with 24 hour visits.

"Hey Eri." said Izuku walking in.

"Hi papa." said Eri.

Eri weirdly started calling Izuku papa, but Izuku didn't care because it seemed that she was comfortable with it.

"I got you something." said Izuku.

Izuku handed her an apple. Eri looked at it weirdly, before taking a bite. Her eyes lit up and she smiled, continuing to eat the apple.

"What is this papa?" said Eri.

"This is an apple." said Izuku.

They were interrupted by the doctor coming in. He waved at Izuku, signaling him to come outside. Izuku nodded, before running outside. 

"How is she doctor?" said Izuku.

"She is fine physically, but emotionally is a different story. She gets frightened easily, it seems that she hates her quirk, and she is not quick to trust people. She doesn't have any family, so she'll be put in the system." said the doctor.

"What about if I adopt her?" said Izuku.

"Do you want to?" said the doctor.

"I mean, I'm of age, she seems comfortable around me, she calls me papa, I have the financial means to do it, and I'm up for the challenge." said Izuku.

"Well then I'll get the paper's ready." said the doctor.

"So you're gonna be a dad." said Lottus.

"Yeah, I am." said Izuku.

"Congratulations. I'm happy for you." said Whis.

"Thank you Whis." said Izuku.

"Master Izuku, sorry to bother you but I have news." said the butler.

"What is it?" said Izuku.

"Your letter from U.A. is back, their allowing you to attend." said the butler.

"Also, your parents are coming home." said the butler.

Izuku had a neutral face and said, "Ok, is that all?".

"Yes master." said the butler, before leaving.

"Do you hate them?" said Lottus.

"I don't like them, but with help I let go of my resentment long ago." said Izuku.


Izuku was sitting with Goku, them talking about his life before getting chosen.

"Goku, is it wrong for me to feel resentment?" said Izuku.

"Of course not, you were abandoned by your parents, tormented by your sister. But even though they show it stupidly, they love you." said Goku.

"Once upon a time I was a bad father. I spent too much time training, fighting, or dying to spend time with my kids. I regret it to this day." said Goku.

"I love them, I just have a weird way to show it. Give them time, eventually they will act like your family." said Goku.

"Thanks Goku." said Izuku.

(End Flashback)

Izuku walked in back to the room to Eri.

"Hey Eri, I have something  to tell you." said Izuku.

"Yes papa?" said Eri.

"How would you feel about me adopting you?" said Izuku.

"Really?" said Eri.

"Yes, when the papers are done I'll be your official father." said Izuku.

Eri jumped up and hugged Izuku.

Lottus and Whis were glad of this wholesome moment.

Lottus and Whis were glad of this wholesome moment

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(Timeskip a week)

All Might, Inko, and Tatsumaki were on a plane back to Japan. All Might was proud of his daughter, who grew more powerful then even him. When they were in America they also realized their errors as parents. All Might was ready to be the father Izuku needed.

'Izuku, I hope you can forgive me.'

He was checking out the news when one headliner caught his eye.


'It may be the work of a vigilante.' thought All Might.

He spit out his coffee when he saw the next one.



"I'm behind Sweet Mask again. Do you know how hard it is to get in front of him?" said Inko.

"Izuku has a new company!?" said Tatsumaki.

"What do you mean?" said All Might.

"He is the most popular support company in Japan in a week." said Inko.

"Some top heroes have bought his inventions including Superman who bought a costume that blocks out his weakness so he could work at night,(His weakness is the moon, I didn't want to do kryptonite so I thought of that) Child Emperor who bought his titan suit (The Hulk Buster) and Genos who absorbed one of his suits to make his machine parts more powerful." said Tatsumaki.

"His salary a day is more then mine a year." said Inko.

"No wonder Superman beat me. With my time limit to 3 hours before I left, to him working around the clock it was only a matter of time. He has way more villain capture's now." said All Might.

"Maybe he can give us some support items." said Inko.

"Yeah, maybe." said All Might.

(At Night)

"Come on Johny." said one thug.

6 thugs were running away from the police and heroes when they turned to an alley.

"We got away." said one thug.

"Now now boys, you still have me to worry about." said Izuku.

Izuku jumped down and took out the thugs.

"Now, you guys have been doing a whole lot of bank robbing. Why?" said Izuku.

The thugs got scared and one spoke up.

"We have to pay our debt." said one thug.

"To who?" said Izuku.

"Dr Genus." said one.

That's the chapter. People told me to let him adopt Eri, so here you go. This wasn't long because it was more of building the plot. I don't know how adopting things work, so yeah. Yes, he has a company. I did this because I wanted Izuku to be independent. Also, Superman is the new number 1. He was gone for three years, what did you expect. Sayonara.

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