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Girija’s POV

"OMG THIS IS HAPPENINGI HAVE BEEN WAITING 8 LONG YEARS FOR THIS WE ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO SEE THE CANUCKS OMG OMG CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS CAUSE I CANT I AM GONNA DIE OMG!" I shrieked. I started doing excited hand thing and started slapping everybody’s face around me. "HONK!" Camille yelled when i slapped her nose. "I AM SO HAPPY OMG OMG OMG I AM SO SO SOOOO HAPPY AHHH!" I yelled. "Can you guys shut the fuck up?" Brittany asks sarcastically. "We can but we dont choose to" Mary shoots back. "Well you should start to and here’s an idea why don’t you just act normal for a while?" Jade says. "Why don’t you consider minding your own business?" I say in her face. "Now turn your so called pretty face around." Camille says. Once they turn around we laugh so hard that we fall off the bus seat. "Girls quiet down back there." Mrs. Holmwood chuckled. "SORRAY!" We yelled back before bursting into laughter once again. "How do you girls have so much energy in the morning?" Mrs. Holmwood remarked. The bus ride went on and pretty soon we were boarding the ferry. "HOLY SHIZ! IT’S THE PLAYGROUND!" Mary yelled. We ran over to the one slide playground meant for 1 year olds and started sliding downs the slide. We got confused looks from the kids and glares from the parents. We got our food and went outside after we finished eating. "Brrrrrrr" Camille said in a Jessica tone. "BAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHAHA!" I burst out laughing. Although i had to agree it was freezing outside. We head back inside and run over to the waiting area. Through the windows I spotted the tall buildings and skyscrapers of Vancouver. "WE'RE HERE!!!!!!!" I yelled jumping up and down along side with Camille and Mary. "THE MAW GAW CAWS HAVE ENTERED VANCOUVER!" Mary yelled.

We got onto the bus and drove towards Rogers Arena. I was having a spazz on the way there and I was doing the excited hand thing again. Well we all were doing the excited hand thing. "Hey guys, it looks like its going to be sunny this weekend." Camille said. We all laughed our heads off at the good memories.

After a looooong bus ride of laughing and rude comments from those female dogs, science world came into the clearing. "Wait... science world is really close to Rogers arena." Mary said calmly. We all stared at each other in shock. "This is happening guys." I said once the bus pulled up in front of the arena. "Alright girls-" Mrs. Holmwood began as she stood up. Mrs. Scott was right beside her. "Follow the -" Mrs. Scott began but we ignored her and ran straight down isle not even caring about the 'wait until the person in front of you is gone' rule. "WHAT IF WE SEE HARRY STYLES?" I yell. "WHAT IF WE SEE NIALL HORAN?" Camille yells. "WELL WHAT IF WE SEE LOUIS TOMLINSON!" Mary yells. We all start jumping up and down, so basically fangirling and we run all the way to the arena.

"GIRLS COME BACK HERE" Mrs. Scott shouted. We run back and apologize but she lets it go. "Alright girls here is the plan of the day!” Mrs. Holmwood starts. “First we are going to go into the arena of course and meet the players of the team –“ “Wait what did you just say?” Camille interrupts. “We are going to meet the team…Mrs. Holmwood says. “ERMAHGAWD HOLY BINKLEWHOOPERS ARE YOU SERIOUS!?” I scream. “Sure am” Mrs. Holmwood chuckles. “Anyway where was I? OK so after we meet the team we are going to go to our hotel, about 15 minutes walking distance, you guys can get some exercise as well!” She says and we all groan. “Then after you have freshened up a bit we will all WALK back to the arena to watch a good game of hockey!” She says and we all cheer. We had to line up and SLOWLY go into the arena. I was holding Mary and Camille’s hand and I swear I was squeezing the life out of them as we approached the dressing room. The door was huge and had the canucks logo on it. We all did our little happy dance in the spot and waited for the doors to open. The slowly started to slide open and we were nicely greeted by all of the players. On the outside we were all calm and not fangirling but on the inside… it was a different story. I looked around the room and saw all the players except Harry, Niall and Louis! Camille and Mary noticed too. I felt a little disappointed that we weren’t going to meet them.

“So you guys are our new cheerleading team!” Henrick Sedin the captain says. “Uh yup” I say awkwardly. “We are going to make sure you win every game!” Jade says clearly trying to impress some players, but that didn’t go all that well since at the end of her sentence her voice cracked which sent the room to a roar of laughter. I turned to face a completely embarrassed Jade and mouthed ‘good job’ before laughing myself. When we all calmed down some of the players started blabbing away but Mary, Camille, and I weren’t paying attention Because at that very second Harry, Niall, and Louis walked in. Our grips tightened and I looked down along with Camille and Mary. “Hello!” I heard Niall say. Every one else said hi but we kept staring at the ground like complete idiots.  I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked up to Harry Styles. “What happened?” He asked. I noticed that Niall and Louis were also beside the three of us. “Uh – err – nothing” Mary stuttered. Brittany barged through and said “clearly just jealous – Hi I’m Brittany” she reached out her hand. I felt like such and idiot but at the same time I wanted to throw Brittany to China (idk)

We all talked for a while more and we had started to become a bit more comfortable around Harry, Niall, and Louis. Too soon it was time to go and we had to walk all the way to the hotel, which was pretty fancy. Mrs. Holmwood and Mrs. Scott were leaving us tomorrow morning after we left for practice and we were going to be responsible for getting a house, so I knew I would need to enjoy these next few weekends before I found myself in some rat hole. As soon as I changed into something comfortable the three of us crashed and went to bed.

I woke up and rolled over to look at the clock. I didn’t know that I was in a couch and I fell right off onto Mary. 'Sorry bro' I groaned and I got up. I turned on my phone and after my eyes adjusted to the shining light my jaw dropped and my sleepiness darted away. “SHIT GUYS WAKE UP ITS 5 THE GAME STARTS IN 30 MINUTES! PLUS IT TAKES 15 MINUTES TO WALK THERE!!!!” I yelled as I got up. Camille and Mary jumped up and we all sprinted to our suitcases. I pulled out a grey TNA jacket with my black pants. I quickly braided my hair into one fish tale and threw pulled it over my shoulder. I out on some light make up and turned to face Camille and Mary. Camille was wearing a very pretty green baggy shirt that was long sleeved and some black jeans with my green beanie that I had leant her. Mary was wearing a purple long sleeved shirt and overtop she was wearing a winter sort of vest with furry pompoms and blue jeans that had a few rips in them.  “Lets go!!!!” I yelled and we all left the hotel only to find Sasha, Brittany, and Jade walking just ahead of us. They were dressed in a completely slutty way and it looked like a disturbing sight. As we walked closer we all smirked knowing what we were going to do, since it just rained. “Ahem, I thought we were going to a hockey game.” I said loud enough for them to hear. “At least we tried” Sasha said with a disgusted face as she looked at us. “Oh sorry we don’t want to look like sluts at hockey games” Camille said. “We are the sluts?” Jade smirked. “yup! Also the dumb wannabees that fail in life and look like they have been living in a sewage – well I would go on but that go on forever, and as you can see I have a life” Mary said sarcastically. They all stood there with there mouths open. We walked closer to them and Camille said “Have a good shower… You’ll need it” We all walked right though them and as I did I patted Brittany on the check and said “You’ll catch a fly.” We quietly ran forward and turned around to see the bus go right into the puddle that the girls were standing beside and splash them. They all shrieked and we started laughing and running away from them. Once we reached the arena we all collapsed and laughed. “HIGHFIVE BUDDAYS!”


Hayyyyyyy!!!!!!!! I miss u guise! Sorry I couldn’t do the whole thing :’( And sorry for the wait!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2013 ⏰

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