His dad

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I don't own Harry Potter or Bleeding love credits to the original authors

Before any of you comes to kill me I have permission from Tango Dancer


The story will start right as they go in the antechamber so for the ones who haven't read Bleeding love it is highly recommended they do




And so they went. They walked swiftly along the endless corridors of Slytherin Manor, passing through the warded doors which drew the limit of the accessible part of the house before stopping as they reached a set of double doors which must have been magnificent once, but which was now covered in dust, the intricate engravings almost drowned under it. Around them, everything was deadly silent, and they became increasingly aware of the heavy sets of charms and curses which had been placed on every inch of this wing of the manor to make sure the prisoner would remain closed off the world and by himself, without any means of communication. Voldemort rose his wand and waved it in intricate patterns, alternatively muttering in Parseltongue and English, until the wards vanished with a small snap.

The doors swung open with an ominous screech which Acastus, to the relief of the others, was quick to mute with a flick of his wand. They stood there, strangely hesitant as they watched the small antechamber. All was silent


After a few seconds that felt like hours one by one they stepped in. The place was ridiculously well kept. The carpet was soft to walk on barefoot, the paintings clean of any dust and there was a yellow light that shone just enough to see around even though the windows were sealed shut and barret.Being very confused with their surroundings having expected the place in horrible shape all they could really do was go to one of the only two doors which were closed.Going in ,and seeing a cosy drawing room after checking for curses, was very dumbfounding. Near the still cracking fireplace were two comfortable looking armchairs, left one top of one of them was a book which had a white feather as a bookmark. The window were in the same state here too but they could see thanks too a baby blue light that laminated the room. 

There were totally three bookcases each with different things. The nearest to the fireplace had books and many books were in the ground in lack of space.

The one near the windows had a lot of long parchments which were surprisingly blank, papers ,quills, paint colours, brushes, an easel or two and on top of it was what looked like a violing.

If these didn't make them shot each other questioning glances then the last bookcases did.A huge cauldron ,potions, rare ingredients, magical stones, runes, and a huge circle in the middle of the room itself with different complicated symbols ,which even they who praised themselves of the knowledge they had for being Slytherins to their cores couldn't understand the slightest tiny thing.

What was before their very eyes was pure ancient magic from so long ago it made Merlins timeline look like children play. Sensing what they were dealing with was beyond their abilities combined together and extremely dangerous they made a wise decision to leave without disturbing anything at all.

Outside in the little hallway their paranoia, concern,questions and suspicious were reaching three floors level. Before anyone could even move an inch the only female in their group practically screamed in rage.

"Why the bloody hell are there such powerful things in this God forsaken place?! How could they have even gotten inside?! This place was heavy warded like a prison to keep that wrench from having the slightest comfort! The whole antechamber looks the complete opposite!"

"We also don't know. It was us who arranged this place back then to be sealed and we didn't put half of the things that exist here,for that I'm sure. This should be impossible" Lucius couldn't help shout.

" I have never felt the wards wavering in all thse years. How in Morgans sake did this pass me by!" Voldemort growled out through gritted teeth.

Being deep in their conversation they didn't notice the youngest who was still fuming at his sister for what she said at his dad went to the other door across the drawing room. Only because the door cracked when being fully opened did they notice the youngest vanished inside. Following quickly after, with Lucius fully intending to have a talk with him for running of alone. After the turn of events ,they weren't sure how to proceed anymore and want to be careful since they had their children with them. Only to feel the words die in his throat. 

Inside was a beautiful yet simple bedroom with white walls and dark wooded floor. What got them gapping was the ceiling, it was like the twin version of the one at Hogwarts which changed constantly.The only difference was that there were tiny glittering stars who shined down them replacing the candles. The fireplace was still going and on the table in front of it was a tray with cookies, candy's, chocolate, and what looked like chamomile tea which made the room smell very homely.

After going inside Adair couldn't help the tears running down his cheeks neither does he even try to,for once. Since he could remember he had always felt empty, mad for no reason ,extremely curious about his bearer and like he was missing something important. No matter how hard his father's, brothers,sister and friends tried to help he just felt worse. When they were finally told about their no his dad he got this feeling in his chest of wanting needing to meet him. Even though he was the only one who knew almost nothing of his dad he felt like he did the most and the affection towards him is just growing with each single beat of his heart. Now, being this close to his dad ,he feels warm, happy, comfortable and protected like never before in his whole life. In the state Adair was he could only do one single thing.

"Home" he said in little whisper, afraid the magical feeling of belonging would disappear.

Then the almost invisible door of the bathroom opened and the word stopped along with their breaths.

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