I can't be a m-

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Chapter 9           

The next morning I woke up being face to face with Pan, who was just looking at me, protectively,
"Morning Vi.'
I let out a deep breath through my nose and smiled, "Good Morning , Peter."
"You okay?" Peter said pulling me closer with his arm grabbing at my back.
"It will be." Peter said smiling.

Then out of no where the boys were screaming outside, "SHIP!" or "PIRATES!!" or the one most used "OH SHIT HE'S BACK!!"
Peter gave me a look
and I returned the look.
We both got up and ran out the door.
Peter was wearing what he was wearing last night.
I on the other hand was only wearing my underwear and a long white shirt.
His long white shirt.

Of course, everyone was running to the beach.  Peter ran in front of me, but our hands were still together.
We then arrived to the beach and I felt a strange urge of happiness. The warm sand creeping in between my toes felt like heaven. Yet, something else caught my attention.
A ship,
A pirate ship.
Peter then looked behind me, "Don't let go of my hand, and stay behind me."

Peter and I then walked closer and got a better view.
It was Hook and Jaelyn.
"Why are you here, pirate?"
Hook laughed, "You know exactly why I came back."
Peter squeezed my hand, "We leave in 20 then..," Peter then turned around with our hands still intact, "Were leaving Neverland for a bit."
He said as we ran back to his treehouse.

We then arrived back to the treehouse, Peter was frantically panicking packing my clothes and then through leggings at my feet, "Put these on."
"Peter what's going on?"
"I'll explain later."
"Not now."
"Peter Pan you listen to me right now!"
Peter then stopped what he was doing and sat down on the wooden ground.
"What?" He said covering his face.
"Why are you or we leaving?"
Peter sighed, "My father, he holds a annual ball every year. I attend usually when I can," Peter then stood up and walked over to me grabbing my hands, "My father is dying, Love. I still love him. I prefer staying here, he respects my space..Its the least I can do for him."
I closed my eyes then opened them, "Where does it leave us?"
Peter sighed, "Depends if you want to come with me."
I then kissed Peter softly on his nose, "Anywhere with you..I'll go."      
I said putting on my leggings, still keeping eye contact with Peter.
Peter then grabbed his bag and grabbed my hand and ran back to the beach.

We then saw Hook laying against his ship, "Great you're bringing a guest."
"Don't push it, Pirate. I'm not leaving her here," He then eyed up and down the ship, "Dean on the ship?"
"Of course."
Peter then squeezed my hand, as a way of telling me to get on the ship.
I started walking onto it and looked back at Peter, who was of course looking at me, making sure I got onto the ship safely.
I then got onto the ship and was greeted by a hug from Dean. I returned the hug from him and looked up seeing Jaelyn smiling at me.
She wore leggings and a black leather jacket over her shoulders(with a tank top underneath of course).
"Welcome back, stranger." She said smiling.
I then looked up and extended my arm out, so it could be like a group hug.      

Later that night we already set sail. It already felt like we were in the middle of the ocean. I was laying on the edge of the ship looking down at the water as my hand dangled over.
"You'd make a great mother." A voice said, Jaelyn.
"I wouldn't, I am not worth it."
Jaelyn then sat on the other side of the edge looking at me, "Soon you'll see.. and so shall I."

I can't be a mo-
There's no way, that could happen.

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