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Dixie : hey guys! We have a new addition to the fazbear family!

Springtrap: hi!

Dixie:*looks back* eeek! O.O *hides in a corner*

Chaz: Dx *jumps mike to get to the hall*

Mike: oh fu-

me: *glare*

Mike: fu-nillia wafers! -_- plz don't kill me.

Jeremy: DX *faints*

Foxy: Chazzy! Don' lock me out, mate!

Bonnie: is... this..... some sick prank? He looks like me!

Freddy: *backs away*

Purple guy: i... don't know how to take this.

Phone guy: ? What are you guys yelling about? *walks in* oh. Bye!

Fritz: right behind ya!

Chica: WHO WANTS PIZZA?! Hey! Whered everyone go?

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