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Me: just wondering, what do you think of the shippings people put you in?

purple guy: I'm fine with them!

*everyone else : edges away*

mike: it's weird.

Jeremy: I s-saw a fanfic shipping me with c-chica once. To be honest, I'm still not completely over it.

fritz: nobody writes fanfics about me.

Springtrap: well... i can't exactly say i approve.

Bonnie: it's NASTY BRUH!

chica: *shivering in a corner* I second that.

Foxy: alot o' them are trash, but some o' them are okay *shrugs*

Freddy: I punched a computer once when I saw a crap fanfic

Phone guy: hate it. Completely hate it.

Me: well there you have it!

dixie: are you going to put us in a fanfic?

Me:sorry, no.

Dixie: *cries in a corner *

Me: if you want to use one of my ocs for a story, or something else, just ask me. Don't be shy! Also, if you want to ask me a question, refer to me as nikki.

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