Me: just wondering, what do you think of the shippings people put you in?
purple guy: I'm fine with them!
*everyone else : edges away*
mike: it's weird.
Jeremy: I s-saw a fanfic shipping me with c-chica once. To be honest, I'm still not completely over it.
fritz: nobody writes fanfics about me.
Springtrap: well... i can't exactly say i approve.
Bonnie: it's NASTY BRUH!
chica: *shivering in a corner* I second that.
Foxy: alot o' them are trash, but some o' them are okay *shrugs*
Freddy: I punched a computer once when I saw a crap fanfic
Phone guy: hate it. Completely hate it.
Me: well there you have it!
dixie: are you going to put us in a fanfic?
Me:sorry, no.
Dixie: *cries in a corner *
Me: if you want to use one of my ocs for a story, or something else, just ask me. Don't be shy! Also, if you want to ask me a question, refer to me as nikki.
Ask fnaf!
HumorMike, Fritz, Jeremy, Purple guy, Phone guy, Freddy, Chica, Bonnie, and Foxy are all here to answer your questions and take your dares, along with my ocs Chazzy cheetah and Dixie dingo.