Sensational *Wiggles Eyebrows*

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This chapter is the official end of the book.

Although most would find the confession of the plastic slab's undying love for you funny, the men that were currently staring at you as though you were an alien were not amused. In fact, the person you noticed the most was Ciel, who looked rather angry.

"Who the bloody hell was that, speaking to you in an unacceptable manor?" He spat, launching his well-developed body off to grab the phone before you. You shrugged, genuinely believing that a piece of plastic spoke to you.

Sebastian paid very close attention to your little device that was now in the possession of Ciel, staring at it as though it were some kind of deadly weapon. "Young master...I believe you shouldn't touch that..." He said suspiciously as he neared closer to Ciel in case something went wrong.

"Hush Sebastian. I hate not knowing what something is." Ciel muttered, sliding his slender fingers all over the phone; the screen, the case, and then the sides. As his fingers traced over the sides of the phone, he accidentally pressed the button at the top, immediately turning it on. A picture of Sebastian blared brightly on the screen, somewhat startling both the blunette and the butler as well.

Quickly, yet gracefully, Sebastian whirled around and kicked the phone away from Ciel's hands without hitting him in the process. The other men readied themselves in a stance, preparing for any attack, and to be honest, you too tensed up. The phone splattered against the red walls, sending microchips flying through the air. Pieces of plastic and digital technology hit the men, the ones with glasses being able to protect their eyes, while the others needed to defend themselves with their arms. You grew upset, knowing that somehow that slab was important to you.

"IT WAS A BOMB." Ciel shrieked, very much like Lizzy, and immediately covered his face with his arms in a feeble attempt to protect himself. Shards of the glass screen spiraled towards Ciel, but were deflected away by Sebastian's trusty butter knives. Sebastian stared you down in disbelief as he covered Ciel for further protection.

"Were you actually an assassin sent from the evil dark overlords to destroy Ciel and I?" He asked incredulously. You remembered saying that when Sebastian tried to seduce you in his kitchen, making you feel a sense of familiarity. You felt like laughing at your own sarcasm.

"I honestly don't think so." You said, staring at him with a blank expression. Both Ciel and his butler were breathing a bit differently, obviously frightened slightly by the sudden bomb. "Maybe the plastic slab committed suicide because I didn't love it back." You said casually, wondering how a piece of plastic could just up and explode because it was upset. Do slabs even have feelings?

"I highly doubt it milady." Sebastian said. You felt extremely strange, you felt...empty...

"Sebastian, do not dare to call her a lady. We have no idea who she is, and until we find out, we cannot treat her as we were doing previously." Ciel said seriously, avoiding eye contact with you. Sebastian looked hurt, as though he didn't wish to treat you badly, but bowed anyways. "She is now a threat, a possible danger to Her Majesty. We need to lock her up before she decides to do something rash. I knew we shouldn't have let a stranger like her into our lives. I loathe the fact that I gave away my trust to someone who was not worthy, who lied to me about everything." Ciel glanced at you, eyes glossy with restrained tears. "You now mean nothing to me, ____." Ciel bit his lip harshly as he spoke, hating his own words that escaped his lips.

"But Ciel-" You began to plead.

"Be quiet. You are going to refer to me as Earl Phantomhive from now until the day you die. Which may not be too long. Someone like you has no right to call me by my true name." Ciel spat. He turned towards Sebastian. "No coddling this girl, no special treatment, is that clear Sebastian?" Sebastian looked away from his hurt master before speaking in a hushed tone.

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