I Know You Want To ;)

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You casually took a sip of the sweet tea, savouring the taste before you spoke to the beautiful butler.

"Wow, you just have to tell me what you did with this tea, cause' it's da bomb.com." You complimented lamely, taking yet another rather long sip.

"Please, do not try and avoid the question, I do detest using any force against a lady." He said, eyes trained on your face, searching for any form of lie. You silently set the cup down, your expression suddenly went from calm to serious in a matter of a few seconds.

"Force? No, just stop." You grumbled. Sullenly, you got up from your comfortable seat, and what felt like a cheerful moment was dark in the blink of an eye. You glumly looked at Sebastian as he rose, then looked away when he made eye contact with you. "I knew there was a reason for you taking me here, but I guess I was too naíve to listen to my subconscious." You stated. You slowly turned around and began walking away, but a cold hand immediately stopped you as it landed on your right shoulder. Its icy feeling froze your body, restraining you from moving.

"I am only curious." Sebastian said, expression remaining emotionless. You gained control of your left arm, and used it to brush his cold hand off your shoulder.

"Curiosity killed the cat." You mumbled, face averted from his piercing gaze.

"I despise that term, just imagine that poor kitty dying..." He said, voice filled to the brim with the sound of a broken hearted man.

You groaned. "You butlers and your weird fetishes." You said, backing away from him slowly.

He blinked, then fixed his sad, slumped posture that overwhelmed him at the thought of a gorgeous kitten dying. "Its quite obvious you aren't from here, the way you act and talk says it all. Ciel and I have been trying to pinpoint where you come from, but you always seemed to avoid any confrontation involving your past. Who are you really?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh, I'm just a silly old assassin sent here from the evil dark overlords to destroy Ciel and his butler. No biggie." You said, voice dripping with sarcasm. When he didn't respond, you turned around and saw him slowly reaching for his silver butter knives.

"I was joking, smartass." You said, stifling a laugh. No ____, this is a serious moment, I can't laugh. You thought to yourself.

"I take everything you say into consideration, if you are a threat I will not hesitate to get rid of you." He said, slipping his butter knives back into his coat one by one. Get rid of me? Ouch, that stung.

"I'm stronger then you think." You mumbled, a strategy hidden and locked in the back of your head in case that were to ever happen. He stayed silent for a moment before the unexpected happened.

"GET YOUR COLD ASS HANDS OFF MA TITS!" You screamed, kicking in random places as his hand rummaged around.

"This is only to get the device, nothing more, I will not hurt you." He said calmly, now moving his hands side to side.

"That's ENOUGH!" You yelled, continuously slapping him. This all happened in the timespan of about 2 seconds.

"As you wish," Sebastian said, face seemingly trapped in a state of seriousness. He swiftly took out his hand, but because of that momentum, your phone flew out too.

"Oh!" You cried out, concerned that your phone broke from the impact as it skidded across the tiled floor. It stopped right in the middle of you and Sebastian, screen facing downward. You immediately flung yourself at your phone, a battle cry escaping your lips as you landed next to it, Sebastian was also next to it since he too had flung himself. Both of you were arms length away from your precious phone, which gleamed proudly in its Black Butler case.

Dimension Traveling (Black Butler x reader)Where stories live. Discover now