Chapter Two

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Authors Note-The Story title and info/bio has been changed!

~Authors note~
Its been a little since the last update! I plan writing more now! I had a question! Would you like to see a character information chapter? Like a description of the characters? I found a few pictures I could even add to help picture the characters a bit better!

Character Bio/Introduction has been added! Please check it out if you'd like to know more about the characters.


The way back to the village was quiet as Ming supported Sung for a bit before some of his strength has come back letting him walk a bit easier.


Ming stops when the village comes in view.He turns around and looks at Sung,his eyes had reverted back to blue during the walk there but that wasn't what he was worried about.


"Your fangs are still out"

Ming pulls the hood up on Sung's cloak fixing it around to hide his face.

"Keep your head down and try not to speak."

Sung nods pulling the cloak down more to cover his face afterwards the two walked to the gate.

"Ming? who is that with you!"

The guard shouts eyeing Sung suspiciously.

"This is Sung a traveler from Springdale! He is injured and seeking medical assistance!"

"Does he have any weapons?"

"No he doesn't!"

The guards above still seemed hesitant but after a few minutes the gate had opened.

"Stay safe!"

Ming lead the way to his house,He opened the door and stepped inside taking his shoes off before heading into the bedroom while Sung looked around the house.It was rather simple, light brown walls with hard wood floors.A few painting hung on the wall as well as notes that Ming put up.

'Training at 10am!'

'Meeting at 7!'

Sung read off a few more of them before walking into the kitchen.The counters were light brown with black marbled tops, and it too was littered with different notes, papers, and knick knacks.Sung sits down at the table pulling a book off the stack in front of him.He had just began to read one when Ming came out, He quickly put the book back into place.

"I put out a set of clothes for you in the bathroom.Are you feeling well enough to shower?"

"Yes, thank you"
Sung got up and went to the bathroom.

A while later Sung came out of the bathroom wearing a brown shirt and a pair of black pants with his messy long hair set around his shoulders.

"I'll get a brush"
Ming got a brush out of the bedroom and handed it to Sung who began to brush his tangled hair.Ming watched as the tangled locks of hair soon brushed through nicely.

Ming snaps out of it when he hears his name being called.
"Where's your med kit?"
"In the bathroom"

A moment later Sung comes back out with a small white bag.
"Let me see your hand"
"Give me it,I'll tend to you first"
"No, I'm fine, let me see your hand"
"You look worst then me"
"Just give me your hand!"
Ming turned his body away from Sung as he sat on the couch.Sung starred at Ming's back as a confusing looking appeared on his face.A moment of silent passes before Sung gave in letting Ming tend to him first.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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