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The thoughts that manifest into the law of attraction only push me further away from you. —do you see me now—?
If love had meaning or some sense of purpose that was hidden underneath the material of things you chose not to look in the lost an founds would i be there? Thee that walks through shadow of his own death doesn't see through the darkest areas of his mind that clouds his judgement when he picks through it all to chose you but only to fail when the "pick" isn't looking to pick you in return.
How is that —love— isn't love but it's wrapped an everything else? Money, drugs, but never the internal feeling that connects the two like magnets or happily ever after marriages that grandma and grandfather had when holding hands on the porch!  Why when i say i love you too you it hurts? It's hurt like that miscarriage that forms inside your stomach when that baby becomes depressed in irritated with your sad feelings. How can somebody be everything you wanted but never nothing.
A person who's your Splitting image of love but not your physical presence of it. —your I love you too — but never a voice meaning behind it!
Hurtful truth is it isn't you, probably won't ever be. Searching through this world you start to notice things. You notice how love mostly exist in written stories But pain is broadcast around the world for you to know it. For you to feel it understand it ——live in it——
So if them feelings were to commit suicide today would you have even noticed? Do that person serve a purpose? Most people let your hand go but hold onto the thought of you that much longer just to lose you as if they bothered.
Them tears mean nothing because you have your own. Your own life your own faults he's just everything you "sometimes" think about but nothing you would want.
He's the maybe he's the uhhh, he's the "that was cute" but never the one to hold you tight.
Always the conversation after, but never the beginning of it.
He's the "perfect one" but never the perfect one, he's the leap but never the faith.
How can love when love isn't living in the same place? Your the idea of -his love- but not him.
He's the vessel holding onto something you want but not the presence you chose to be in.
I hurt you, i hurt you too is usually the response you get that's under what's actually the true meaning.
This is why it hurt so bad falling in love so bad because love gets lost on the way down while falling is the effect of the pain

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