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IT WAS ONLY A MONTH INTO THE TERM WHEN CARINA RECEIVED WORD FROM ROMANIA. The first quidditch match of the season, Hufflepuff versus Gryffindor, was supposed to start in an hour. The Tonks Twins went to their dorm after breakfast to bundle up against the October chill.

A letter lay on Carina's dresser bearing a dragon seal in black wax. She barely felt herself ripping the envelope open, her eyes blurring as she tried to focus on the words. She made out enough to understand.

We are pleased to—

—your arrival—

—working with you, Miss Tonks.

"Dora," Carina whispered shakily. A letter was clutched in her vice-like grip.

Nymphadora froze where she was crouched tightening her shoelaces, standing slowly. A bitter smile formed on her sister's face, and Dora felt her heartbeat speed up.

"I got the job," Carina breathed. "The Romanian Reserve accepted my application."

Her sister's eyes grew wide, and her face turned pale. Despite the obvious dread, Nymphadora wrapped Carina in a bruising hug.

"I'm so proud of you, Carrie. Mum and dad will be thrilled," Nymphadora croaked. "I don't want you to leave, but I am so happy for you."

Pulling away and holding Carina by the shoulders, Dora smiled sadly.

"You'll have to tell Charlie."

Carina was shaking her head before Dora even finished her sentence. Charlie. Today was supposed to be about the twins' quidditch debut.

Carina cleared her throat, wrapping a black scarf around her neck. "Not today. I... I need more time."

The disapproval was clear on Dora's face.

"Today's about Fred and George. Let's just keep this to ourselves for now, alright?" Carina begged weakly.

Dora sighed and let the subject drop. Both girls left their dorm wrapped in shades of red, despite being proud Hufflepuffs.


Charlie could see Carina and Dora from his place in the air, grinning down at the sight of his favorite Hufflepuffs wearing his house colors.

"Fred! George!" She cheered giddily, waving at them. They exchanged goofy grins, zooming across the pitch.

Charlie joined them where they fly in front of the stands, laughing as Carina bounced energetically.

"Oh, look at you!" She cooed. "You two look so cute."

Fred and George blushed in embarrassment, "Carina."

She noticed the Gryffindor students around them snickering and looked sheepish. It was a Molly Weasley move, if Charlie ever saw one.

"Sorry, sorry," she giggled. "I'm not trying to embarrass you."

Madam Pince's whistle called them to the center of the pitch. Shooting a wink at the Tonks's, Charlie flew to shake hands with the captain of the Hufflepuff team.

Two hours of flying found Gryffindor victorious. Charlie wiped sweat from his face onto his quidditch robes, patting his younger brothers on the back. He nearly lost his balance when he was batted aside rather hastily by a small body.

Fred and George didn't have the same luck. They were knocked to the pitch, screeching in shock. Carina fretted over them, pinching their cheeks and ruffling their hair.

"Where's my congratulations? I'm the bloody captain!" Charlie whined.

Carina waved him off, "It's their first match, Charlie."

The twins stuck their tongues out at their older brother. Despite being all smiles, Fred and George felt themselves getting choked up – not that they'd admit it. Attention was hard to come by in their family. With so many children, Molly and Arthur had a hard time keeping up sometimes.

It meant the world to them that they had someone who came to watch them fly.

"What do you say we have lunch?" Carina grinned. "After you get cleaned up."

"Yes, ma'am," Fred and George saluted, scurrying off to the locker room. Charlie shook his head as he watched them go.

Carina finally turned to him, earning an easy smile.

"Congratulations, Charlie," she giggles when he pulls her closer by the hand.

He barely has her wrapped in a sweaty hug when Nymphadora makes several violent retching sounds. Carina whips her head toward her sister in alarm, only to see her smirking.

"You two are revolting. Lunch?"

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