chapter one

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TW: Drug mention/dealing


"I wonder what my parents would say about they're favorite nephew selling drugs" Leah laughed out teasingly towards her cousin - Barry. 

"Well lets hope they don't find out" He replied back, a smirk plastered on his face as he watched Leah get comfortable on a couch that was sat in front of his trailer. "I swear to God, lil cousin if you ever do drugs" Barry continued to babble under his nose.

"Says the one who is dealing them.... for a living" She stated briefly as her fingers ran through her hair and brushed back a few strokes that were thrown over her face. 

"Hey I got a customer coming soon" Barry said as he sat down on a chair and marked something in his notebook. 

"Can that customer kill me or somethin'?" She continued to tease him and dug deeper into the couch she was sat at.

"He is a nineteen year old boy that can't get his shit together" Barry added and laughed at his own words, knowing that the boy lived in Figure eight and was filthy rich. 

"Ouch.... that's a though one" Leah breathed out and added a chuckle to her cousin's one.

"Man has been on a four month trip he has probably gone mad" Barry continued to let laughter escape from his lips as he spoke through his fastened breathing.

Suddenly the sound of a motorcycle started to echo through the trailer park. With every second it got closer and closer until dust started to fly and linger through the air. The now loud noises started to decrease and before anything could be said or done, a tall sender figure begun to appear out of the shadows.

The steps the boy took were falling heavy on the ground and the dry grass made loud husses that caught both Leah's and Barry's attention. 
The sun light finally enlightened the boy and revealed his face and snatched figure. It was non other than Rafe Cameron.

"Hey man" Rafe stepped towards Barry and shook his hand tightly as he slipped a fifty dollar bill in it.

The next thing he knew, his eyes were travelling along the uncut grass until he noticed a womanly figure sticking out of it. His blues lit up like he had just seen a ghost and his hand grip stiffened up.

"Leah?" The boy questioned in disbelieve seeing as he almost immediately recognized the girl's features. A string of questions started to knit itself in the boy's mind as he gazed deeper into the girl.

"Rafe" She added in the same amused tone like the boy, and flickered her eyes towards him, her lips parted at the picture drawn in front of her. Rafe was the last thing that was on her mind when she got back to Outer Banks and now that she saw him, memories started to hit her.

"You two know each other?" Barry interrupted the moment, his gaze dancing back and forth between his cousin and the blonde kook. 

They're eyes expanded a bit at the sight of each other before they both looked at Barry and tried to figure out what he just said.

"We actually used to da-" The blonde boy started to say, but was quickly cut off by Leah.

"Yeah, you could say that" She scuffed at them both and shot her eyes at the boy once again, her hands thrown sloppily over her chest.

Barry's lips upturned into a smile once again, as he put the pieces together in his mind and realized what was happening. "Ok then, Country club i'mma' get your shit from the back" Barry said at last and stomped over the trailer, until his presence was no longer in between the two teens.

"So you are doing drugs now?" Leah asked, her tone taken a back and sounding shy and small. Her eyes landed everywhere, but the boy that was now in front of her.

"Yeah, but that is a long story. Why are you here?" He said hesitantly, his eyes burning wholes into her face and his heartbeat speeding up with every second.

"Well..... Barry is my cousin I'm just stopping by" She answered, her eyes still not daring to land on the boy and her hands now swinging besides her body.

"Oh cool, I didn't know that" His bizarre answers kept pouring out of him as his cheeks got bright red and he finally managed to tare his gaze off the girl which allowed her to sneak a quick look. "When did you come back from Seattle?" He finally asked the important question that brought memories to both of them.

"Like three months ago..." She mumbled out under her breath as she leaned on to a table behind her and rested her shaky legs a bit.

Awkwardness filled up the space between Rafe and Leah as they both waited for one of them to say something. Just when the girl parted her lips to speak a voice cut off again.

"Country club, she has a boyfriend, you didn't do anything did you?" Barry appeared from behind and threw a small paper bag to the boy taht was filled up with drugs.

It was true though. Leah was indeed in an almost two month relationship with her long lost friend - John B from around the cut. When the Parker girl came back from Seattle and reunited with her friend group, something happened between them and suddenly they pronounced they were together.

Rafe didn't reply. His features were unreadable for the cousins, but it looked like a small frown was carved on his lips.

Relieve took over the girl as she heard Barry's voice behind her. A feeling was tickling her insides and made her turn around to hush her cousin. She then switched her eyes back to the boy and her gaze grew bigger towards him.

"Rafe, I'll see you around" She stated and a smile rewrote itself onto her face as those words escaped from her lips. 

"Yeah, I'll se you around, Leah" the boy replied back before he turned around and left the trailer park.

Her name sounded strange coming out from him and so did the other way around. They both haven't seen each other for more than four years, yet a specific feeling was starting to awake in them. Would they both crack under the pressure of all of the rushing forgotten feelings.....?



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2021 ⏰

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