Big cubs also need discipline

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Years ago, a Machop entered various junior tournaments. He made a name as one of the most skilled fighters. Rumors even said he did not fear Flying and Psychic Types!

He eventually became a Machoke, and began training even harder. Once he got his own cub, he began teaching the Machop everything he knew.

However, once the father became a powerful Machamp, and his son a Machoke, things didn't go that well...

At first, Machoke started paying more attention to mirrors than training. Then, he began not paying that much attention to what his father told him.

"Machoke! How do you expect to be able to take on Psychic Types and Flying Types on the future like THIS?" Machamp scolded his son. "You won't even be able to use our "No Guard" ability properly this way!"

"Chill out, old man." Machoke said, rolling his eyes. "It's not like it's THAT hard. I mean, you surpassed Psychic Types and Flying types when you were a Machop!"

"Yes, I did, but it wasn't with this sort of attitude. It was hard work, training, and yes, it WAS very hard. Psychic Types can toss you all over the place without even touching you. Flying Types get out of range and overwhelm you with speed, so they aren't easy to deal with by any means...." Machamp began.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. But really, you can give me some credit, ya know? I can deal with anything they dish out. Specially once I bust out my special move." Machoke said.

Machamp's eyes narrowed. He saw the move Machoke was working on. It was a mix of Seismic Toss and Submission, which his son claims means "lights out" to any opponent hit by it.

But he had his doubts! It left his son open, tossing someone way high up also increased the damage on both Machoke and his opponent...and obviously, No Guard works both ways. Machoke will always hit the opponent....but the opponent will also always hit Machoke!

"Son, I think your manouver is too reckless. It's as dangerous to you as it is to your opponents. You shouldn't use it." Machamp warned.

"C'mon, you worry too much, I'll be fine, dad. I am just waiting for a proper fight to use it on!" Machoke protested.

"I said NO, Machoke. We'll work on a safer move later, but until then this one is banned, am I clear?" Machamp firmly said.

"Sigh, fine, fine....." Machoke said, annoyed!

"Good, son." Machamp smiled, proud as he patted his son's head, "I'm glad you're listening for once. I don't give orders to be mean, ya know, I just want you to be the champion I know you can be."

"Yeah, I get it." Machoke nodded. But as his father took him home, Machoke then thought, (I get you worry too much! I'll prove I'm right....)

After a few weeks passed, there was a big Fighting Type tournament. It would be Machoke's first time on the major league!

"Good luck, son. Remember, the important is going as far as you can, with each tournament, you get experience." Machamp said.

"Heh, my experience will be victory. You just watch and see, dad." Machoke said.

"Okay, but don't underestimate your opponents." Machamp warned, before Machoke was called to the arena.

The opponent was going to be a powerful Poliwrath. It wasn't an easy opponent by any means!

"Hey. I heard about your father. If you're half as good as he was, then this will be an amazing fight." smirked Poliwrath, his arms crossed.

"Hey, thanks. But I'm gonna warn you now, I'm twice the fighter he was when he was a Machoke." Machoke boasted, smirking.

"Oh, really? You seem confident. Let's put it to the test!" Poliwrath said!

And the fight began...but it was soon clear overconfidence isn't a good trait for a fighter!

Yes, Machoke was stronger physically, but Poliwrath wasn't too far behind on strenght. And he had more experience, as well.

"Gh! Stop running around!" Machoke growled, as Poliwrath evaded his blows.

"You're attacking recklessly and letting yourself wide open. That isn't "twice the fighter your father was, you know." Poliwrath noted!

"Oh yeah?! Then let's see how you do without your fancy running around!!" Machoke said, activating the "No Guard" ability!

"No, son. That's exactly what Poliwrath wanted you to do...." mumbled Machamp!

And indeed, Poliwrath landed a Dynamic Punch into Machoke!

While the Confused opponent growled, Poliwrath sighed. "You see, this is exactly what I was talking about. An Fighting Type doesn't need just muscles, you need smarts too." he explained.

"Oh, you'll see smarts when I'm done with you!" Machoke growled, as he ran at Poliwrath. Thanks to No Guard,he easly grabbed him!

Machamp's eyes narrowed! Would Machoke do what he thought he'd do, the four armed champion wondered?!

And indeed, Machoke Seismic Tossed Poliwrath high on the air, then jumped after him!

"MACHOKE! Don't do it!" Machamp warned.

But Machoke ignored his father! Grabbing Poliwrath on midair, he crashed into the ground with his opponent into a big Submission!

Everyone cheered loudly at the finishing manouver, as the Judge declared, "Poliwrath is knocked out! The winner is Machoke!"

Machoke cheered, and raised his arm on victory....only to black out himself!

Machoke eventually woke up on his room. "H...hey, hi dad." he said, as he saw Machamp looking sternly at him. "Did you see it? I won!"

"You won the battle, and almost lost the war! Did you see why I told you not to use that move? Nurse Chansey said you were in luck that you didn't break anything with that fall!" Machamp scolded.

"E-ehh...I admit, it might have been a bit reckless, but...." Machoke said, nervously. He rarely saw his dad this stern!

"Try VERY reckless! Disobeying your father only got you hurt!" Machamp scolded. "I am VERY dissapointed, Machoke..."

"C-C'mon, dad, everything worked out in the end." Machoke nervously tried.

Machamp, however, was having none of it! "Machoke, pull down your shorts." he ordered.

This made Machoke's eyes widen! "E-Excuse me?!" he asked.

"You heard me. Looks like I stopped doing this way too early, but now you WILL learn to be more careful." Machamp firmly said!

"C-C'mon, dad....I'm not a Machop any more!" Machoke protested.

"And yet, your behavior was worse than some of them. I will not tell you again, son, shorts down, NOW." Machamp firmly said, his Leer showing it was better to obey!

"B...But dad, this.....?" Machoke mumbled, his hands going to his shorts.

"Yes, Machoke, this will be your punishment." Machamp firmly said, as he sat down.

"But...on my bare butt...I mean, it's embarassing enough to go over your lap, and..." Machoke groaned, baring his bottom.

"Then you should have thought better before being reckless and disobedient, Machoke. Over my lap." Machamp ordered, patting his lap!

Machoke groaned as he went over his lap. This was SO embarassing! His father haven't spanked him ever since he was a Machop!

"I don't like spanking you, son. I hope you will learn your lesson..." Machamp lectured, as he brought down two spanks, one to each cheek at the same time, as he spanked his son with his extra arms.

Machoke groaned, "I know, dad, but I still think you're-OWWW, OWWWW!!! Overreacting!!!!" he yelped, wincing in pain. Getting two spanks at once doubled the sting!

"Overreacting?! I think NOT! What if you had gotten seriously injured by this reckless manouver?! What of it?!" Machamp scolded, still using two arms to spank Machoke at the same time!

Which made Machoke squirm and yelp! He didn't think just a spanking would sting so much, specially after he evolved, but his father was obviously an expert spanker, it seemed!

For his part, Machamp had no intention of stopping, not until his son learned his lesson! The loud sounds filled the air as the spanking went on and on....

"Owww, ouch, c'mon, dad, how else would YOU beat that Poliwrath without my, ouch, super special move?!" the wincing Machoke protested.

The spanking stung even more, since with two arms free to spank, with the remaining two pinning Machoke down, there was no need to alternate cheeks...both cheeks were spanked at the same time!

"I'd have used my head, Machoke." Machamp scolded as he spanked. "First, I would have activated No Guard when I was attacking, and deactivated when not, so as to not get a Dynamic Punch to the face. Next, I would NEVER let my opponent goad me with mocking, I'd have a cool head. And, most important....."

He now spanked all over the cheeks, even harder! ".....I would never, EVER worry my father by using a manouver that could seriously injure me, or even worse!"

This made Machoke actually tear up! Not just the sting....but the guilt! He could hear the worry on his father's voice. It was so selfish of him to not think on his dad, only on his pride!

"Dad! I'm sorry! I really am! Please, forgive me.....!" Machoke sobbed, while his butt was now a red color.

"Are you? If you are sorry, show it to me by telling what you have learned." Machamp ordered, not letting a single spot of his son's bum cheeks unspanked!

"OWWW! I...I am...learning to think things through when fighting....not to be too prideful, and...sob, never use dangerous moves that can put me at worries yoooooooou!"

And then, both sitspots were spanked! "Good, otherwise, what will happen?" Machamp asked.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!! You're gonna spank me! Dad, c'mon, no moreeeeeeeeee.......!!!!" Machoke finnaly bawled.

Machamp nodded, helping Machoke up on a hug with all arms. "Your spanking is over. Now, son, listen to me more. I don't try to be a stick-on-the-mud, but you still has lots to learn from your old man." he noted.

"I....I get it now, dad....and not just on the spanking way...." the sobbing Machoke joked!

"Hah! Nice one, Machoke." Machamp said, patting his son's head. "Now, no more using that reckless move."

"I-I'll come with something safer, dad..." Machoke said, finnaly calming down.

"Yes, you'll have lots of time to do that during your grounding." Machamp said!

"Grounded?! C'mon, dad, I'm sorry, but aren't I too old to be grounded?!" Machoke protested!

"Not too old to be spanked, yet too old to be grounded? I don't think so." Machamp said, but smirked, "Hey, you needed to rest from that fight, anyway. Use this time to think on a new move that'll impress everyone without almost crushing yourself!"

"Ooookay. You have a point, dad." sighed Machoke, wincing as he pulled his shorts up.

"Say, after you rest, I'll take off half of your grounding if you can give two good hits to me. But I won't make it easy, you know!" Machamp said, to make his son happier!

"Heh, really?! Ya better not regret it, old man!" Machoke said, smirking!

And Machoke rested during his grounding, while Machamp smirked in pride. Despite having too much to learn, his son was definitly on the right path to become a good fighter one day!

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