An Electric Scolding

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On an abandoned Power Plant, a family of Pokemon lived. The father was an Electivire.

He had two sons, an Elekid and an Electabuzz, who he loves very much. But even so, he is strict with discipline.

How he dealt with discipline? On a simple and effective way....with a good spanking!

Of course, Electivire didn't spank his cubs all the time. He actually was quite a patient dad....he didn't really like to see his cubs cry, after all.

But maybe Elekid would wander off a tad too much! Maybe Electabuzz would be reckless or getting in fights way too often. THAT's when a trip over his lap was needed!

"Dad, can I play outside a bit?" Elekid asked.

"Okay, but I don't want you to wander off too far this time. Electabuzz, go with your little brother and keep an eye on him." Electivire said.

"Do I REALLY gotta, dad?" Electabuzz asked.

"Of course. It'll do good for you to go outside, get some fresh air as well." Electivire said, patting both cubs's heads.

"Fine, fine...ya heard dad, don't wander off, or I'LL be in trouble myself." Electabuzz warned Elekid.

"Kay, big bro, no problem!" Elekid promised.

However, as they walked outside, they saw a Magmar, looking all over the place. Electabuzz groaned as he knew this one very well...and knew WHO the Magmar was looking for!

"Let's get outta here before this guy sees us..." Electabuzz mumbled in annoyance, but then blinked, "Hey, where are you going?!"

Elekid had just walked foward and waved at the Magmar! "Hey, mister! You lookin' for someone? We can help!"

This made Electabuzz slap his forehead! "C'mon, Elekid! Didn't dad teach you not to talk to strangers?!" he scolded!

"But dad also taught us to help others, right?" Elekid asked.

Magmar finnaly smirked! "Hah, so here you are. I thought you had turned tail and ran!"

"I just have nothing to prove to you, ya know. So can you just BUZZ OFF?!" Growled Electabuzz!

He and Magmar were rivals since cubhood. Magmar was always trying to show how he was the stronger of the two of them!

"Like heck! It's time for our weekly battle, remember?" smirked Magmar, "And this time you'll go down to my new-and-improved Fire Punch!"

"I don't have time to waste on you." Electabuzz said. He knew that if he got into a fight so near home, and his father heard, oh boy...

"Oh, okay, I get it." Magmar nodded, smirking, "You're afraid of taking ME on, right? Then you make excuses to save face in front of your little bro!"

"What. Did. You. Just. Say?" Electabuzz demanded!

"Ehh, big bro? Shouldn't we go home?" Elekid nervously asked.

"Quiet, Elekid!" Electabuzz snapped, and looked at Magmar! "What did you just say?"

"I said you are AFRAID of ME!" smirked Magmar!

And Electabuzz suddently Thunder Punched his rival!

"Big bro!" gasped Elekid!

Magmar smirked! "Hah! Now THAT's more like it!" he said, countering with a Fire Punch!

And so, Electabuzz and Magmar got into a huge brawl with each other. It made Elekid decide to go back to the Power Plant.

Electivire tilted his head. "Elekid, what's the matter?" he asked, as his son rushed in. "Where's your brother?"

"Ehh....he's fighting." Elekid began.

"Fighting? What's gong on?" Electivire demanded!

Outside, the boys's fight raged on, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower attacks clashing!

But eventualy, a heavy rain began, and a Thunder crashed nearby! "ENOUGH!!!" a voice roared.

Magmar and Electabuzz gasped and turned, to see a stern Electivire, as the rain ended!

Electabuzz grunted. His father only did the Rain Dance and Thunder entrance when he was quite strict!

"E-ehh...hi, dad...?" Electabuzz gulped.

"Don't "hi" me, naughty cub. Go back to the Power Plant, we'll have a good long talk there." Electivire ordered.

Electabuzz was quick to run inside, not wanting to get his father even more strict!

"And now, about you....." Electivire sternly said, looking at Magmar!

"E-ehh, you're not gonna attack me, right, sir? Look, I'm sorry about fighting your son, but a fully evolved and grown pokemon fighting me, it's kinda too much!" Magmar nervously said!

"Who says I'd attack a cub? I was only gonna say that...before going here, I asked a Fearow friend of mine to sent a message to your father about this. I imagine he isn't going to be happy about this..." Electivire said!

"W-what?! C'mon, that was mean!" Magmar whined, holding his butt as he rushed home!

Electvire shook his head! "Those cubs...." he said, then went to Electabuzz's room into the Power Plant.

"Dad, c'mon, I can explain what happened, it's just that Magmar kept annoying me, and...!" Electabuzz began.

"Save it. Electabuzz, what example did you think you were giving to your little brother?" Electivire scolded him!

"O-oh man, I got so annoyed, I didn't think on this..." Electabuzz groaned.

"Yes, you didn't, but you will after we're done with our "talk". Electivire said.

"T-talk? Aww, dad, ya can't mean THAT..." Electabuzz groaned.

"Yes, that's what I meant." Electivire said, putting a chair on the middle of the room.

"Dad, ya know I...I didn't mean to..." Electabuzz tried.

"You didn't mean to, but you still did it, son. Over my lap." Electivire said, as he sat down.

Electabuzz hesitated, nervously, but knew it would be worse if he disobeyed! So he went over his father's lap.

"Son, you need to understand that all actions, right or wrong, have consequences." Electivire said, raising his paw, "And this is the consequence of your bad choice!"

"Dad, c'mon, Magmar, OWWWWWW! Got on my nerves!" Electabuzz whined, as the first spank fell!

"Then maybe you should control your temper, young cub!" Electivire scolded as he kept spanking.

Electivire was an expert spanker! As Electabuzz's butt got more and more orange (redness mixing with the yellow skin!) he yelped loudly, hoping the spanking ended soon!

But his strict father kept spanking. He would make sure Electabuzz wouldn't be getting in fights like this, unless there was no other choice.

"Owww, ouch, dad, I couldn't, oww, let Magmar call me a coward, could I?" Electabuzz whined.

Clearly this excuse didn't fly with his father, who gave a few harder spanks, now charging his paw with eletricity. To an Electric type, a electric spank was equivalent as a slipper!

"Electabuzz, the point is that you need to control your temper. Think on the bad example you gave Elekid! Not to mention, he was so startled!" Electivere scolded, alternating cheeks.

Electabuzz cried loudly, while his father spanked all over the butt, with a long lecture! He gave his brother a bad example! He scared him! And most important....

"Pokemon Attacks are ONLY to be used in self defense, not just to show who's stronger than who! You cubs could be very, VERY hurt by tossing Thunderbolts and Flamethrower attacks left and right!!" Electivire scolded!

Electivire was right! Now Electabuzz remembered how nervous Elekid was. And if the attacks he and Magmar were tossing connected...forget the pain, just think how upset his father and brother would be!

"Waaaaahhh, please, dad, no more....owwwie, stooooooooop!" Electabuzz bawled!

"I can't, not until I am sure the lesson was learned!" Electivire scolded, landing more thunder spanks all over the butt!

"WAAAAAAAHHHHH! I-I'm not gonna worry you or scare my bro! OR put myself in danger! I'll control my teeempeeer!" Electabuzz bawled!

"You'd better, otherwise?" Electivire scolded, spanking the sitspots.

"I'LL GET A SPANKING!!!! A electric spanking! Daaaaaaaaad!!!" Bawled Electabuzz, his bottom bright orange!

Electivire nodded. "Go to the corner, and think on what you did, no rubbing."

"Y....yes....sniff! D-dadd...." Electabuzz nodded, as he obeyed.

And Electivire watched, as his son reflected on the important lessons he learned this day.

Ten minutes later, he said, "Come here, Electabuzz..."

His sniffling son ran to him, hugging him tightly!

"There, there....I forgive you, my cub..." Electvire gently said.

"Thanks, dad...I promise this won't happen again. Give you my word!" Electabuzz promised.

"It better not, or you'll be grounded for the rest of the month!" Electivire said. "Anyway, if it makes you feel better, you aren't the only one here in trouble. I sent a message for Magmortar." Electivire said!

Electabuzz chuckled! "He really earned it, dad!"

"Yes, he did. Now go get your brother, it's time to eat." Electivire said.

And so, the family enjoyed a nice dinner, after Electabuzz had learned his lesson. Even if the pre-teen cub had to eat standing up!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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