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21,837,993 likes • liked by jhopesmiles kthope, chimmychim, milkygguk KimSeokjin and KimRm___________________________________

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21,837,993 likes • liked by jhopesmiles
kthope, chimmychim, milkygguk KimSeokjin and KimRm

AgustD.Suga; @jhopesmiles why am i even talking to you, you're not my boyfriend anymore

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jhopesmiles; hyung im your husband-

AgustD.Suga; @jhopesmiles you love seokjin better now let's divorce

jhopesmiles; @AgustD.Suga oml..

KimRm; chill your baguette feet yoongs, they're friends

kthope; 🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿🗿

chimmychim; ️👁️👄👁️ y'all married for a year now yoongi stop with your dramatic ass

milkygguk; this is totally going to be my blackmail ss

KimSeokjin; me and hoseok kissed

AgustD.Suga; @KimSeokjin WHAT-

jhopesmiles; @AgustD.Suga he's fucking joking

AgustD.Suga; @jhopesmiles he better be

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