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13,736,837 likes • liked by milkygguk and jhopesmiles___________________________________

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13,736,837 likes • liked by milkygguk and jhopesmiles

KimRm; I would like to change my friends please

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KimSeokjin; the disrespect ️⁉️⁉️⁉️

AgustD.Suga; excuse you, sir

jhopesmiles; we can be bestfriends

KimRm; @jhopesmiles yes you are now my bestfriend

KimSeokjin; @jhopesmiles i thought i was your bestfriend

jhopesmiles; @KimSeokjin the both of you are my bestfriends ^♡^

chimmychim; im so betrayed rn

milkygguk; sir--

kthope; are we getting replaced


12,836,993 likes • liked by milkygguk , chimmychim and kthope___________________________________

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12,836,993 likes • liked by milkygguk , chimmychim and kthope

jhopesmiles; i don't have anything to post for today so here's a cute cat who reminds me of someone

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jhopesmiles; @KimRm ?

KimSeokjin; @KimRm ??

kthope; @KimRm ???

chimmychim; @KimRm ????

milkygguk; @KimRm ?????

KimRm; @jhopesmiles @KimSeokjin @kthope @chimmychim @milkygguk @AgustD.Suga how abt we all meet up 😔

jhopesmiles; @KimRm count me in ️☺️

KimSeokjin; @KimRm i may not be an extrovert but sure

chimmychim; @KimRm heck yeah

kthope; @KimRm yesyesyes

milkygguk; @KimRm yeah sure 😰😰

AgustD.Suga; uh k

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