The stream.. 18+⚠️

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Warning, sex ,praise , pet names , name calling

It's was a normal day y/n streaming, dream chillin

"Hold on chat"
I mute my mic and stretch and lay down on my bed While laying on my bed dream walks in

"Hello bae"

I say yawning he walks towards me and lays down but he's not him normal self..
He was sweaty like he was in the heat to long.
He rubs my thighs

Dreams POV:
I was feeling not myself..I was horny but I knew y/n was streaming but I couldn't handle myself

I walk to our bedroom and she's laying down

"Hello bae" she said. God I can't..

"Babe I cant handle myself.."

as I rub her thighs

" what do you mean?" She says

I get on top clearly she can tell what I mean

Before she's says anything I kiss her, with passion and softly

Y/n POV:
He kisses me while on me. I grab a lock of his hair and wrap my legs around his back

"Bae don't test me..." said dream god he said that with a low deep voice

"What if I want to?" I say while smirking

Dream POV:
I grab her neck holding her down

"what I say?"

"Aggressive are we? She says

"Babe..". I take my shirt off and take y/n off as well

I kiss her roughly I can't stand being like this I move my hand down her nice body figure..

No ones POV:
Dream is really hard and y/n knows at this point she's horny as well. She gets on top of dream slowly go down dreams body. She takes off dream pant along with his underwear y/n puts her hand on dreams cock, swirling her thumb on the tip of dreams cock

Y/n  puts the tip of dreams cock in her mouth soon she takes half and starts bobbing her head up and down slowly, dream grabs locks of y/n hair and makes her take the full length. It hurts at first but the pain turns to pleasure.

Y/n bobs her head faster and faster

"God your such a slut aren't you?" Dream says groaning

"Babe I'm gonna-"

Y/n mouth is filled with warm sticky stuff in her mouth

She crawls up to dream but dream pins her down on the bed.
"It's my turn princess" dream says smirking
Dream takes y/n left leg and puts it on his left shoulder, he adjust to his liking
He waits for y/n single and thrust in the room is filled with moans by y/n, dream keeps going but picked up speed "h-hard-e-er ple-ease" whines y/n dream does what y/n asked for

Y/n moans are music to dreams ears. Dream grabs her waist and pounds y/n harder ,y/n moans are like screams, dream keeps going till she cums

Dream lays next to y/n cuddling "you did good baby"

503 words
PLEASE I HATE THIS🤧🤧🤧 but tell me if you want me to continue 😃 this is a practice sooo yea

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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