The Beginning

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It was a cold and breezy night with all the ideal conditions for slumber but I failed ,Because the thought of joining a new school drove me crazy.
I couldn't bare the attention and the expectations, And the great legacy I had built at my previous xul was now worthless. I sat on my bed and started imagining how terrible it was going be but there was nothing humanly possible I could do.
I convinced myself my self that it wasn't going to be that bad in order to get some sleep. Before I knew it, it was morning and I had to prepare. On a very cold morning I had to bathe and I literally thought of it as torture. After all the major preparations , my journey to school had to begin.
So I sat in the car next to the neighbour's kid Allan, apparently we were now  scholars at the same school. He was a friend of mine but frankly speaking we  weren't that close.Anyway we were about to be because he was the only one I knew at this new school. As we arrived at the school , we came across a huge signpost with neon lights saying "Stanford Academy ".Stanford  Academy was a school far from the city and was well-known for its good academic performance. Finally we arrived at the school , I opened the door and came out of the car. Almost all students around were staring at me , I didn't know the reason why they were looking at me but i didn't like it. So I tried to elude the attention by asking Allan to give me a tour of the school while my parents did the paperwork .
He showed me around the school and later took me to the boy's dormitory.
I booked a bed and set up my things and before I knew it the day was ending and my parents were leaving, we said our good byes and they left for the city.
I moved to the dormitory , lay on my bed and imagined how my second day was going to be. 

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