3- Melina Finch, Wife and Mother

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"See ya Stephanie!"

"See you tomorrow Steph!"

Two girls called out to me as I walked to my mailbox then into my house.

"You sure I can stay over? My dad won't be back til Sunday." I asked Tatum from over the phone

"No prob, I'll pick you up after practice." she said

"You okay?" she asked as I went quiet

"Uh-huh. It's just the police and the reporters and everything. It's like shitty deja vu all over again." I walked up the stairs

"I'll be there by seven promise." she swore

"Thanks Tatum. Love you. Bye." I hung up

I walked into my room from the balcony and grabbed the typical sleepover stuff: makeup, a change of clothes, a blanket, etc... and then walked downstairs to the closet. I opened it and took a bag out, so I wouldn't have to carry everything.

I put everything in the bag, sat down on the couch, and clicked on the television

"The body of 17 year old Caey Becker and her 18 year old boyfriend Steven Orth were discovered last night." a news reporter said. I turned off the TV and walked up to my room

I took a seat at my computer and booted it up. I sat in front of it staring at the blue screen...my own reflection staring back.

At around 5:35 I walk from my room down the stairs, my arms carrying a change of clothes, toothbrush, make-up...

Walking into the living room I loaded the bag up, plopping down on the sofa, hitting the TV remote.

"The entire nation was shocked today by the teen murders in North Carolina..." a news reporter began before I switched channels. The State Bureau of Investigation has joined forces with local authorities to help catch what the Governor has called the most heinous..."


The channel switches again. Gale Weathers appears, standing in front of the school. Her white teeth gleaming.

"This is not the first time the small town of Woodsboro has endured such tragedy. Only a year ago, Melina Finch, wife and mother, was found raped and murdered..." Gale spoke

An old black and white snapshot fills the screen, a woman, beautiful and familiar.

My eyes are frozen, mesmerized by the image. I grab the remote and click off the television. I direct my eyes to the clock on the end table. 5:45 PM. I then move my eye to the framed photo next to it...the same black and white photo stares at me...a healthy, vibrant woman. An older version of me.

I curled up into a ball on the sofa and tightly shut my eyes

The clock on the end table reads 7:15 PM as I am fast asleep on the couch. The phone rings, causing me to leap up grabbing the portable phone.

"Practice ran late. I'm on my way." Tatum informed me from over the phone

"It's well past seven." I said with my eyes on the clock

"Don't worry. Casey and Steve didn't bite it til way after ten." I rolled my eyes

"I'm not worried." I responded

"Good, 'cause I wanna swing by Blockbuster and get us a video. I was thinkin' Tom Cruise in All the Right movies. You know, if you pause it just right you can see his junk." she chuckled

"Whatever, you're gross. Just hurry." I fake gagged

"Whatever Miss. I love Heather Langenkamp and Jennifer Connelly. Bye." she hung up

insane in the brain- scream 1996Where stories live. Discover now