14- Not In My Movie

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In front of Billy stood Gale Weathers with the gun pointed directly at Billy's head.

"I thought she was dead." Billy pointed the knife at Gale while looking back at Stu

"She looked dead, man. Still does." Stu said

"I've got an ending for you. The reporter left for dead in the news van...comes too." Gale smiled

"Stumbles in on you two dipshits. Finds the gun, foils your plan, and saves the day." Gale stood there shaking as she spoke

"I like that ending." I smiled at Gale as Stu turned back to look at me

"I know something you don't." Billy whispered to Gale

He began walking towards her and she tried to squeeze the trigger but a bullet never left the chamber. Billy grabbed her hand and kicked her out of the door. 

"Yeah man, yeah..." Stu said to Billy as I began to carry out my plan

"This is Gale Weathers signing off." I could hear Billy speak

"Baby, you're gonna love...this...." I heard Stu cut himself off. 

 I dialed the number of Stu's house phone.

"Hello?" Billy picked up the phone

"Are you alone in the house?" I yelled over the phone with the voice changer

 "Bitch. You bitch! Where the fuck are you?!" Billy yelled

"Not so fast. We're gonna play a game... it's called-" I shut off the voice changer

"-guess who just called the police and reported your sorry motherfucking ass!" I yelled

"Find her you dipshit, get up!" Billy yelled at Stu

I couldn't hear what Stu said because he was so muffled but I heard Billy whisper

"Talk to her. Talk to her." before handing the phone off.

I heard rustling on the other line before Stu spoke

"Hello?" he answered

"Oh Stu, Stu, Stu...what's your motive? Billy's got one, the police are on their way, what are you gonna tell them?" I asked

"Peer pressure, I'm far too sensitive." he replied

"I will rip you up, you bitch! Just like your fuckin' mother!" Billy took the phone from Stu and continued to yell into

"You've gotta find me first, you pansy-ass momma's boy!" I yelled

"Fuck!" Billy exclaimed before I heard a loud thud and Stu yell

"Ow! Fuckin' hit me with the phone dick!" Stu shouted and Billy began trashing the house

"Motherfucker! Where are you?! AH YOU FUCK!" Billy screamed

"Did you really call the police?" Stu picked up the phone

"You bet your sorry ass I did." I said, lacking emotion

"My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me." Stu cried as Billy screamed

"BITCH!" Billy screamed

I then suddenly heard a thud on the closet door and I moved back, holding an umbrella in my hand. I adjusted the I saw Billy's face turn towards the TV so I took my chance.

I ran in full ghostface attire with the umbrella sticking out and stabbed it into his chest and watched as the knife and gun fell out of his hands. I then stabbed the umbrella at his throat and he fell to the ground.

I ripped the mask off and looked down at Billy before picking up the gun and throwing it. I then began to remove then cape when suddenly a chair flipped over and Stu appeared in a doorway

He began yelling while running to me and grabbing me. I rolled backwards and flipped over top of him with my knee in between his legs.

I swung my knee forward and he screamed in pain then punched me across the face.

"FUCK!" I yelled as I rolled onto the floor

I quickly got up and started running but Stu grabbed me again and threw me over the couch and into a table

He then climbed on top of me and held my wrists down to the floor

"I always had a thing for ya, Steph!" he yelled in my face

I yelled before turning my head and biting his hand hard enough to draw blood.

I grabbed the vase that was next to me and smashed it over Stu's head, sending him onto the floor

"Bitch." he said as I stood up and looked at the TV

"In your dreams, poser!" I pushed the TV off of the stand and dropped it directly on his head. The TV sparked as his body convulsed

I walked over to Billy and knelt down next to the mask.

I screamed as Randy put his hand on my shoulder

"Sorry! Sorry!" Randy said

"Oh my god, Randy I thought you were dead." I took his hand in mine

"I probably should be. I never thought I'd be so happy to be a virgin." he barely finished speaking before Billy popped up out of nowhere and punched Randy straight in the face

I gasped and jumped backward as Billy grabbed my collar and threw me on the floor

"FUCKER!" he yelled

I struggled to try to get him off of me until he put his hand around my neck. My eyes widened and I began to choke. He's really going to kill me.

"Say hello to your mother." he said between his teeth

I looked at the hole in his chest and stuck my finger right in it as he screamed in pain. He raised the knife above my head and within a second, a gunshot was heard and Billy flew backward, coughing blood and gasping for air before finally going limp.

I hyperventilated as I rolled over and saw Gale standing in the doorway, staring at the gun

Randy was groaning in pain next to me so I crawled over to him and helped him up

"Don't go weak on me now, Randy." I helped him stand up and we walked over to Gale

"It's okay." I gently grabbed the gun from her hand and walked over to Billy. 

"Guess I remembered the safety that time you bastard." Gale said as she limped behind me

We all walked over and looked over Billy's body. I kicked his leg with all my strength and there was no movement

"Careful, this is the moment when the supposedly dead killer comes back to life for one last scare." Randy said

Billy gasped and Gale screamed before I took the gun and put a bullet in his head, ending it all. 

"Not in my movie." I said turning to Randy before the closet busted open and all three of us screamed

My father was still taped up.

"Oh dad!" I limped over to him

"Randy, help me out, please." I asked Randy and he quickly walked over to help

I removed the tape from my father's face in a one simple rip

"You okay?" I asked him as he gasped for breath

"Yeah." he replied

Gale talked to the camera and told the story as Randy was wheeled out on a stretcher into the ambulance

I held his hand as soon as I got inside the ambulance with him and we rode to the hospital. We ended it.

For now...

insane in the brain- scream 1996Where stories live. Discover now