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"You look stunning all the time"

~ Taehyung ~

~ Taehyung ~

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Taehyungs POV

"Are you possibly gay?"

I gasped hearing Jimins question.

Do I tell him the truth?

"Why do you ask?" I asked him curiously.

"Um. I know this will sound like a stereotype but you wear make up. I also may have done a bit of research around you online and it says you were very close to Jungkook so I wondered even if you had something going on with him romantically and also when you have kissed me, you also didn't pull away and willingly kissed me" Jimin explained quickly.

My mind went blank.


I've done my best not to think about him.

"See" Jimin said lifting up his computer screen to show me a picture of Jungkook and I above some words.

I scrolled down on Jimin's computer looking at pictures of Jungkook and I together.

I scrolled down on Jimin's computer looking at pictures of Jungkook and I together

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