Final Chapter - The Last Time

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After having everything cleared out in my head. I started to come back to social media and started to sing again for the simple love of it. I think this story has meaning that you only understand if you realize the small things in life. I have always been told that the small things are just as important as the bigger things for the big things are only possible with million of smaller things. The past 14 years of my life I have learned more abut myself than any other thing in my life. I have learned valuable things and somethings that are going to be really useful to know heading into my last years of high school. I currently live with my family. My older brother is 23 now and he has gone through so much in his love life. I have learned from him. I learned that love has no meaning. The more we actually try to describe what love is the more we start to realize it's nearly impossible. Love is a thing that happens at it's time. You don't describe love, you feel it. You cant explain how much you love something or someone you have to show it. It's the most beautiful thing in life but it's also the most difficult thing to find. Love does not come easy. It has it's time and ways to find you. You don't go out and look for love on the contrary love reaches out to you. I also learned through experience that it's not about waiting for the world to change it's going out and doing small acts of kindness to help change the world.  It's not about waiting for opportunities to help but about creating them. It's not about how rich you are or how much you make. It's about how much you actually stand for. It's not about how you dress or who you hang with. It's about  who you are no matter what others say. It's all about being yourself in a world full of similar desires. I wear glasses, bandanas,snap backs and most importantly a smile on my face. Now most the time people know who I am for that but that's not what makes me Matias. I am Matias for every small act of kindness I ever did. I am Matias for all I have been through and for everything yet to come. I am Matias because I learned to love myself and not let others judge who I really am. It's who I am. It's been a crazy ride to where we stand today but everything that has happened in my life has happened for a reason. It either came with a lesson or a chance to fix the mistake. Life has thrown me down and quite frankly we get to a point so low that only means we can't go any lower but on the contrary rise up.It's your turn to share your story with the world by showing you can help the society and love the world we live in. It's your time to step up and be yourself. I hope you all find what you love to do and do it no matter what others have to say. It's about doing what you love to do and being happy while doing that. If it's who I am then it's who you are. 

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