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The sun poured through my window. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations.

I stretched myself before got up from my bed to do my morning routine. After I had prepared myself, I went out of my house.

On my way.

I received a message from Taehyung as I smiled softly while waiting for him patiently.

It has been one year since Jeong Tae passed away in another world.

He passed away with the identity of Taehyung in order to not make people doubted it.

So, Taehyung continued to live as Jeong Tae.

About our relationship, we were staying as best friends for now although I did develop feelings for him.

The similar face will always make me had the thought of Jeong Tae. I knew they were different but I found it difficult to not miss him.

That's the reason why I didn't advance our relationship to lover even though I gave us a chance to be together.

It was easy to say than taking action.

I will hurt Taehyung if I accepted him when I am still missing Jeong Tae. This was something that I didn't want it to happen.

Therefore, we were only best friends.

He will always come to pick me up in the morning to Jimin's company and drop me off at my place after I got off from work.

I didn't want to take advantage of him so I did tell him about it but he insisted to do that.

About Jimin, his property had been sold by Chin Hae but he didn't sell his company because the process will be more complicated than the others.

Jimin's property didn't belong to him anymore but he brought it back using a few months of time without the help of others.

We included Jungkook wanted to help him but he rejected our offer and helped himself.


I looked at the new message from an unknown number. Alone? I guessed this person sent it to the wrong number.

Wrong number.

In an instant, that person replied and I thought he or she wanted to apologise but it was not what I expected.

Is this how you are going to treat me? I miss you, Y/n.

He knew my name. Who was it? Just when I was thinking about it, I received another message from the unknown number again.

Are you waiting for Taehyung? The one who wasn't born in this world.

Park Chin Hae. I'm sure it was him. Other than the three of us, he also knew the secret of the hidden world.

He was back.

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