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"Taehyung, look at this."

I showed him the message from the stranger that was likely to be Park Chin Hae during our lunch.

His relaxed face just now had turned into a serious one.

"Do you want to live with me for now? I mean you should do that so that I can protect you."

His soft gaze met mine which made my heart melted and I felt like I had owed him a lot.

He always would be the first one to help me, ignoring how much he had to contribute.

I avoided his gaze and looked down, thinking about should I accept or reject his suggestion.

"What if I say no?" I questioned to see his reaction.

"Then, I will come to live with you instead." He lowered his gaze and continued on speaking.

"I don't want to make you feel burdened but we know what kind of a person he is. I'm very worried about you, Y/n."

It would be much convenient for him if I went to live with him for now.

"I understand and thank you for always caring for me, Taehyung. I will move in tomorrow."

His smile appeared, replaced his worried expression.

"Not tomorrow but later. If you have anything that you need, I can always go to your house and take it for you."

"Sure but one condition, I will pay for these meals."

Knowing he would say something against it, I quickly cut him off.

"If you say no, then I will say no for moving in as well and I won't open my door for you. Don't think of visiting me."

I threatened him so that I could finally do something for him.

"Alright, I will listen to you for the first time and the last time." He chuckled.

After our lunchtime, we went back to work. I was sitting at my desk and I didn't have anything to do.

When I had nothing to do, I tend to think about random things.

If Park Chin Hae was really back, what was his goal this time? He already took a large amount of money from Jimin.

The watch? But I didn't think that he wanted to go back to the world he belonged.

His life was much better here.

I was lost in thought and didn't realise that Jimin was standing beside me while staring at me.

"What are you thinking? Your boyfriend?" He chuckled.

"How do you know?" I cooperated with him which caused us to giggle together.

"Can you help me with something? Are you free now?" He asked politely.

"Sure. I also wanted to tell you something."

I followed behind him as we went into his office room. He locked the door and this was something that was not necessary.

"Jimin, do you really have to lock the door?" I asked and observed him.

He inserted his hands in his pants pockets and approached me confidently.

"Do you really think that I'm Jimin and not Park Chin Hae?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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