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The Wordless Golden Book of the Last Days

Simplified Chinese

set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 41

    When Luo Sheng saw this, he immediately asked loudly, "How are you?"

    Xia Meng did not answer, but walked two steps to him. Ignoring Luo Sheng's questioning gaze, she took out a silver-gray pill. "Open your mouth."

    "What?" Luo Sheng asked.

    "Forget it." Xia Mengqiang walked to him, and put the pill into his mouth, "Don't resist, this is a spiritual pill, which can replenish your spiritual energy. Just use the ordinary method of absorbing spiritual grass to absorb it. ."

    Luo Sheng was quickly stunned by the effect of the Spirit Gathering Pill. The abundant spiritual energy is transmitted from the mouth to the limbs along the veins of the body. The previously dry spiritual power was quickly replenished, and the light emitted by the treasure sword became dazzling again because of his aura and energy recovery.

    The rattan, the black monster-like thing, made a sharp and piercing sound. It seemed to realize that the situation was not good, no longer looking for opportunities to counterattack, but desperately trying to break free from the spiritual constraints of Luo Sheng and Mu Qiming.

    However, if it were just now, it might really succeed. But Luo Sheng, who had regained his spiritual power, made it suffer, and there was no chance of breaking free. The cane is completely crazy. Because it realized that it might be trapped, it might die... It began to shrink and twist desperately, hoping to save its life.

    Xia Meng looked at the two of them, one blue shirt and one white shirt, standing in front and working together to suppress the cane's attack, their movements were elegant and handsome, and their spiritual powers were running smoothly. They are undoubtedly very good martial artists.

    Suddenly, a slightly older voice sounded: "Qi Ming, you can take back the treasure."

    Xia Meng looked up and found that it was a group of people headed by middle-aged women. The middle-aged woman was beautiful and a bit cold, and between her eyebrows she and Mu Qiming missed each other sixty points. Xia Meng is almost certain that she is his mother.

    "Mother!" Mu Qiming called out in surprise, before looking at Luo Sheng. The latter nodded to him, and the two seemed to have discussed them, and they cooperated tacitly while controlling the aura and gradually retracted the emitted light.

    The alien rattan seemed to understand what was going on and what was going to happen next. It screamed, compressed to its limit before, like a clump of ordinary black grass and trees, suddenly swelling like a sponge after absorbing water.

    "Don't think about it!" The old voice sounded again, and then what rose into the sky was a treasure like a vase.

    "Mrs. Joy, you..." A middle-aged man in grey clothes next to him said to stop him. But the pale middle-aged woman shouted: "Get down!"

    "Yes." The middle-aged man couldn't bear to back down.

    He looked at Mu Qiming and shook his head secretly at him.

    "Mother, I'll help you." Mu Qiming suddenly drove her treasured sword again. But before he activates his aura, his mother, the jade bottle of the Mu Family’s current Patriarch’s wife Dajiu’s joy, has already shot out a sapphire blue light.

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