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"I expect you back here tomorrow your majesty~"


Pain, pure excrutiating pain. It'd been a week and he hadn't gotten a break, it's like his master was ignorant of human limitations, lucky for him the doctor strictly forbid him from continuing lest the young man died from his treatment. human bodies could only take so much after all. 

With the freedom to relax and recover for the next days, Scott remained in bed, refusing to leave it for anything apart from the occasional trips to the bathroom. He even then struggled to get up and wove across the room, the pain was excruciating and according to the doctor that'd been brought in he would likely have permanent damage from how he was treated. He sighed softly and stared out the window silently, holding back from letting more tears fall. Unable to even lay on his back, he remained on his stomach for the time of rest. 


Time passed quickly, leaving him once again in his master's chambers. This time he was given white silk robes. his long hair had been tied up carefully in a bun, making his scars visible, the ones his precious lord oh so despised, although it wasn't his choice to expose them. In fact, it was a direct order of his master who looked down at him with a harsh gaze. "weak" he suddenly spoke up, making Scott flinch at the harsh tone. "weak and frail you humans are, so easy to break...." he gently stroked over his cheek, feeling the small male tremble under his fingertips. "I was made to believe royals were stronger, superior, but I suppose you're nothing different than any of the others, aren't you? Genetically speaking you're no different than a peasant" he tilted his head with a blank expression. Scott took in a shaky breath and nodded in response, honestly too terrified to form proper words. 

After moments of silence, a soft chuckle echoed through the room. Scott suddenly found himself pushed down onto the bed and pinned in place, he stayed as silent as possible and hid his feelings against these actions, instead, he smiled softly up at the man. "have I made a mistake Master Lhaan?" he asked in a raspy voice, the first time he spoke since their first meeting. Perhaps it was even the first time he made a noise, Lhaan was visibly surprised, to say the least, enough to break his usually composed expression. The surprise soon turn to anger as he struck the young man. 


Lhaan watched the unconscious young man silently, he had finally calmed down from his boiling rage how dare this insolent boy insult him by refraining to speak? To feign innocence and pretending to be mute? He suddenly tasted blood and pulled his hand away from his mouth, he'd been subconsciously chewing his nails and failed to realize he'd broken the skin. he cursed under his breath and glared at the boy. 

"How dare you" he whispered under his breath. he grabbed him and slapped him awake. "HOW DARE YOU!!" he screamed this time, his rage once again boiling over, only to freeze at the look on the boy's face, a smile. He was smiling despite the pain, and the tears running down his face. He'd truthfully never gotten this reaction before and was unsure how exactly he was supposed to feel. Lhaan carefully set him down and watched him quietly again, as he sat up and fixed himself as if nothing happened. He was used to pleading for mercy, crying, thrashing and resistance. he was used to expressions and pain and suffering, but a smile? he'd never seen that in his long lifetime. Scott knew what he was doing, it wasn't exactly the first time he'd done this. he was used to a plethora of reactions to his smile, at times he'd get it worse as his master would think he was mocking them, but luckily this wasn't the case. 

"I'll excuse myself," he said politely and got up, taking his leave while Lhaan was still processing. once he was out he couldn't help but giggle a bit despite the pain, mostly because of how dramatic the reaction was. he sighed softly and returned to his room quietly and sat by his window, as had become a habit. 

The rain pittered gently against the window, which fogged over from the temperature change. he drew a little smile on the window and sighed softly once again, it had only been an hour and he was already expected back in Lhaan's chambers. Taking a deep breath, he mentally prepared himself for what's to come before heading to his master's room as ordered.

he gently knocked on the door and waited. unlike usual, instead of calling him in Lhaan opened the door and stood over him silently. A few moments passed before he reached out and grabbed the young man's hair and dragged him in, still not uttering a word. Scott winced and let himself be brought in, following the hand that dragged him to lessen the pull and pain. He soon found himself next to the bed, watching Lhaan take a seat and nation for Scott to come closer, which of course he did and tensed, preparing to be hit, only to find himself pulled into the man's lap. a moment of confusion washed over him before he was laid down and came to the realization of what was about to happen. 


Scott was bent over the infirmary table being treated, wincing and whimpering once in a while, he didn't expect such a punishment from such an elegant man, even the beating earlier was a surprise. he couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking, spanking seemed rather childish, in fact, he hadn't been spanked since he was a young teen. The nurse helped him stand straight and fix his clothes before sending him on his way. 

Scott sighed softly and decided to try something new for once. 

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