No homo

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Friendship. Everyone has that at some point of their life. For the deeper ones where a bigger connection grows into a better, more important one like family bond, Asta would hear people  call their friends, 'I love you.' whenever they depart. He hears girls say that all of the time, but sometimes guys too. Either way, guys to guys or guys to girls, he's sure they are friends and still say 'I love you' even though their relationship is nothing more than platonic. Good friends. Best friends. Deep bond connected friends.

That's when he - Asta the genius - thought it would a good idea to do it too. He's in a deep bond connected stage level friendship with Yuno. It's about time he lets him know his appreciation of friendship.

He turns to face the taller, black-haired male, walking right next to him as they are about to turn different ways to their separate bases after spending the whole day together as their regular monthly meet up.

"Bye Yuno, I love you."


Yuno froze in place. His heart felt like it froze instantly for a second until it thawed, burning fiercely with every pump. He turned sharply at the ash blond next to him. A cute little shorty that he - Yuno -  would sure acquire dominance due to his height. 


His face felt warm.

oh no

'Am I blushing? No no, I can't! Not right now!' 

A hand smacked his face to feel his cheeks. Warm, but is it red? Why, did he suddenly lose his composure so easily? Maybe because it was so unexpected. But no, being a magic knight, you are expected to expect the unexpected every time during battle. This should be no different, but it is.

This feels so damn different. Never would he have expected Asta to just say something so profound.

Nevertheless, Asta unheedingly looked at him being utterly and outrageously, but yet utmost and completely unobservant (unless in battle) didn't suspect a thing and proudly interjected Yuno's thought process - like the tomfoolery he is - to continue on with his sentence.

"No homo"


His heart exploded. Millions of tiny shards of the remaining frozen icicles in his previously frozen heart poked him internally. He almost moved his hand to feel his chest but wavered there a second before letting it fall to his side. While in internal, emotional pain, he looked at Asta, his hair ruffled as ever.

He, Asta, smiling broadly, thinking that it was such a good thing he knew of the word 'no homo' from his friends like it was the best information ever. Good thing. His stupid ass grin grew wider at the thought like it was the most brilliant thing he could conjure up and that set Yuno on fire.

How the hell is he supposed to react?

Kick him?

Punch him?

Kiss him? No-

He felt heat waves through his face again.

My god

Back up goes his hand to his face. Covering up the blush.

Asta being oblivious continued again, "So Yuno, for our next month's visit . . . I-I was wondering if we could do a double date . . ."

Did he stutter?

Yuno turned to face him again. He has never heard Asta stutter, let alone talk to him nervously. He sees a slight pink forming around Asta's cheeks. 

He's blushing

Yuno's eyes widen. Maybe that was a joke. Maybe Asta was joking on the 'no homo' joke. To be clear of his musings and not jump to conclusions, he asked, "Who else is joining?"

"OH, Noelle and I are coming together as a date and well - uh - I would have asked Mimosa to join but Noelle said she would be busy on our chosen date to meet up, so I thought I could invite you! But - that means I need to find another girl . . ."

Yuno couldn't believe a thing he said. His jaw fell to the ground without him actually opening it. Asta cuts in again. "OH, Kahono loves double dates! She's the one who introduced me to them. No wait, I think Finral, but either way! Do you want to join?"

Asta moves closer to Yuno, eyes sparkling.

"A-Asta . . ."

"Yes Yuno?"

"I - uh"

"Oh, yes?"

"Not a girlfriend . . . I mean, not a girl partner for my date - I mean . . . Ah shit!"

Asta tilted his head, utterly confused. "Not a girl? So - you want to be alone? Or not a double date? OH! We can just hang out! The three of us if that's what you mean!"

Asta smiled again. Yuno wanted to slap him. To tear that ridiculous smile of his face for making him feel so ridiculous. 

"Asta  . . . " Yuno said, his voice trailing. He had enough. 

"I'm gay," he said so matter-of-factly.


That's how Asta looked. Completely fazed, eyes wide, bulging. Totally thrown off.

"Yo what? You're gay? No way!" Asta said, green eyes fixed with the higher yellow ones.

"Yuno . . . sorry for assuming you were straight. No wonder you weren't interested with other girls! But - if you are gay . . .  that means you had a guy crush!"

Asta looked suddenly excited.

 "Yuno! Who is the guy? I'll invite him to the double date!"

Asta's ecstatic smile replaced with a small, maybe scared, frown expression when he sees Yuno glare at him, his cheeks red. He took a step towards Asta while Asta impulsively moved backwards. 

Yuno approached him quickly, grabbing the shorter boy's shoulder. Asta could clearly see how red Yuno's cheeks were. 

Holy moly, is he that pissed at me? Why is he so red?

"Hey . . . Hey Yuno! I-I'm sorry! If you don't want me to call the guy, then I won't alright! Okay?"

A sharp pressure squeezed his shoulder before it was released. Yuno took a step back rubbing his face. Only Asta could get him so damn embarrassed.

"No, Asta . . . the thing is . . . no, never mind."

"Yuno! Say it! You literally just grabbed me for no reason! What the hell! Say it!"

"Alright fine!" Yuno looked fiercely. "I'm gay for you."

". . ."

". . ."

"Holy shit" was all Asta could say.


Author's note

I hope you enjoyed my crack fic. Yes, it is filled with utter 'what the heck'. 

I wrote this instead of doing my assignments.


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