Dekutodo (Lemon)

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BITCHES, BASTARDS AND EVERYONE IN BETWEEN! I'm back! :D and I haven't been writing so naturally you get sum sPiCe! And you know what every oneshot book needs? TOP DEKU!! no cussing now that I look back, HORNY ASF DEKU XDDD, and did I mention lemon cuuuuzzz yeah! btw Deku's taller than Todo in this.

And i just need to say how hard it was to find top deku bottom todo fanart :P

3rd person POV

Mina grabbed the bottle from the floor and handed it to Midoriya.

"While Kiri and Bakugo are having their fun..." She paused and pointed smugly to the closet where a loud Baku-moan was heard, "We should let the next player spin. I don't think they realise they have only a minute left."

Midoriya span the bottle and Todoroki crossed his fingers behind his back hoping no-one would see, but Uraraka saw and winked at him. Suddenly Mina and Uraraka let out excited squeals. Todoroki saw that the bottle had not only stopped spinning but it had landed on him. He tried to hide his flustered face in his shoulder but he felt someone grab him by the wrist and pull him up. He heard Mina say something about making room for him and Midoriya and then he felt someone roughly push him into the closet.

He heard the door close. He opened his eyes and through the faint light from under the door, he saw Midoriya coming closer to him with lust-filled eyes. Suddenly Todoroki felt him being pushed towards the wall by his shoulders. When his back made quick, slightly painful contact with the wall he let out a squeak. Midoriya grabbed Todoroki's wrists with one hand holding them above his head, whilst the other hand caressed the youngers face.

Todoroki couldn't handle it anymore. He wrapped a leg around Midoriya's waist and the feeling made him scrunch his face in pleasure. Suddenly Midoriya shook the leg off and grasped the youngers waist, earning a cracked moan in the process. Midoriya leaned into Todoroki's ear, blowing a little.

"Shhh~, quiet Kitten~," He said oddly seductively, "For now, while we are in the vicinity of our friends. You can be as loud as you want later~" He whispered the last part making Todoroki scrunch his face again and face sway.

Midoriya let go of Todoroki's hands and picked him up, pushing him to the wall. Todoroki wrapped his legs around his waist and grasped the back of his shirt, tucking his face in Midoriya's neck.

"Aww~ the kitten is shy?~" Midoriya cooed running his hand up and down his lover's thigh.

Todoroki muttered something under his breath, "Baby, you're going to have to say that a little louder~"

"S-stop t-teasing m-me!" Midoriya smirked and nibbled his ear, then left kisses down to his lips, blowing them softly. Todoroki tried his best not to make any noise. But before he could lean down and finally give Todoroki what he wanted he quickly let him go, signalling for him to act casual.

Mina opened the door, her smile fading into a disappointed look, "You guys can go sit down with everyone else I gue-"

"Actually, we're both really tired so we're gonna go back to our dorms," Midoriya said convincingly. Act casual, Act casual Todoroki thought as Midoriya said goodnight as they were leaving.

When he was sure no-one would hear, Midoriya whispered, "I have sound-proof walls if that's what you were crossing your fingers about~"

Doing ShinKami SMIH next :) tell me any ideas y'all want!

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