Alex Schroeder x F! reader

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If you have not seen The Statler Hotel viewers discretion is advised!

"Alex! Y/n!" The walkie went off startling the two. Y/n held her chest while Alex cursed to himself before picking up the walkie.

"Whats up Dakota?" Alex asked looking over at his girlfriend, who was looking around with her flash light.

"T-The elevator just opened and no one was in it!" Dakota yelled, his voice shaking with fear.

Y/n and Alex immediately told Dakota that they were coming up and not to freak out. Alex grabbed the camera and took Y/n's delicate hand and laced it through his.

Alex kept Y/n at his side as they ran to the elevator, trying to get to Dakota as fast as they could. The elevator came to a stop, but not without a few scary bangs, Alex and Y/n immediately pressed Dakota's floor number.

Y/n sqeaked when elevator thumped, she clung to Alex's arm for dear life, her eyes blown wide with fear. Alex hugged her as the elevator came to a stop.

They rushed put of the elevator calling Dakota's names, whom immediately answered.

"Dakota, are you okay?" Y/n asked running and giving her brother a hug. Dakota gladly expected his sister's hug, himself feeling safer knowing she is there.

"Yes, im legitimately terrified at the moment" Dakota said, his own eyes showing fear.

After a minute they sat down on Dakota cot, discussing the situation at hand, that is till Y/n heard the elevator start to move up.

"Guys! The elevator!" She stuttered backing up against the wall. Alex and Dakota immediately stood up, Alex infront of Y/n for protection. They all had the camera's pointed at the elevator as it dinged as it got closer to their floor.

"Please dont be this floor" Y/n whispered hiding half of her face in Alex's arm, the other half free so she could see the elevator.

The elevator dinged on last time before it opened on this floor. Y/n felt tears start to spill out of her E/c eyes, fear taking control of her. Alex look over his shoulder at Y/n, his heart shattering while moving away from the corner back to Dakota's cot.

Once they were at his cot, Alex brought Y/n in for a comforting hug. Y/n sobbed into Alex's chest, her fear disintegrating into love and comfort.

Dakota felt his chest tighten with guilt he never ment for Y/n to cry, he was just as scared but it brought him to tears watching as his family cried.

"Hey, Hey it's okay I promise nothing's going to get you, well not as long and Me and Dakota are around" Alex comforted the H/c haired women and kissed her head, whispering sweet things in her ear.

Y/n sniffed; her sobs coming to a stop as she held onto to Alex. She pulled away and wipped her face from any dry tears with her sleeve. Alex looked down at Y/n and kissed her forehead making sure she was alright and calm.

Y/n smiled gently at Alex and Dakota.

"Im okay! Just got scared is all" She reassured the two males.

"Are you sure" Dakota asked bringing Y/n in for a side hug. Y/n nodded and took a chocolate bar out from her pocket, the other two laughing at her way of concurring her fear.

She split her chocolate bar into three equal pieces and handed them Alex and Dakota; who gladly accepted the gesture.

The rest of the night went smoothly just a few jump scares and chocolate eating!

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