Young! Tanner Wiseman x reader

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"This is the weirdest thing ever" Y/n laughed watching the new video for Dakota's YouTube channel. "I gotta watch it again"

"Woho! Ya we're going to Taco bell!"

Y/n giggled again, Tanner running his hands over his face in embarrassment.

"Fuck you Taco Bell!"

"Tanner, why is this so funny?" Y/n laughed closing her computer. Tanner groaned again, but perked up when Y/n shut her computer.

"It was my idea anyway, so that's why its funny" He smiled proudly, folding his arms over his buff chest. Y/n giggled kissing his cheek, Tanners face became pink with blush.

"Your so mean" He mumbled into Y/n's side when he hugged them. They laughed harder while holding his head in their hands.

What is Tanner gonna do with them, he's the one supposed to make them blush not the other way around.

Tanner made it his mission to make his s/o a blushing mess, and he took every chance he could get to do it, and each time he did they say something to make him the blushing mess. Until one afternoon when they were hanging out in Tanners dorm room.

"Tanny" Y/n groaned, flopping their arms over Tanner shoulders. He hummed and continued on his computer, his long fingers rapidly typing on his black keyboard.

"Ugggh! Pay attention to meeeee" They rest their head on his, feeling it twist and turn when he moves.

Tanner motion from them to come closer with his finger. They lower their head next to his. He moves his head so his lips are right by their ear.

"Lemme finish this, then I will pat attention to you" He gently nibbles on their ear lobe with his teeth then leave a small kiss on their neck.

Y/n lifts their slowly before walking back to Tanners bed and lays there quietly waiting for their boyfriend. Tanner smirks looking at them on his bed and jumps up out of his chair.

"Haha! I did it!" Tanner laughs happily. "Look who's blushin' now!"

Y'all please check out my new story, The Reincarnation, it'll be very much appreciated!

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