The First Punishment

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Class Trial: Begin.

We had figured out that Tsuyu killed Mineta for being a pervert....but I think we forgot that the killer would be punished if they were found out. Tsuyu's Execution was an example of what happens to the killer if they're found out. A big chain came from no where and a choker snapped around Tsuyu's neck and proceeded to pull her back. She was tied up and sitting on a chair with a table in front of her. Then, a frog hopped out of a bush and hopped on to the chair and onto the table. Suddenly, a drink appeared in front of Tsuyu and her hands were untied. The frog licked her and she started getting a rash on her body....immediately she grabbed the cup of water and poured some on her hand and started rubbing on the rash. Then, she poured the rest into her mouth and swallowed it. Her neck started swelling up and she started coughing....That wasn't water. It was Frog Poison. She kept coughing and holding her neck as it got bigger and bigger and then....blood started coming from her neck and she stopped breathing. We all watched in horror as her twitching body stopped moving. Everyone was terrified.

Surviving Students: 17

Koji Koda: A-Am I dreaming? S-She's really dead?!

Mezo Shoji: I-I....

Denki Kaminari: S-So that would've happened to us if she convinced you guys that I killed Mineta?

Monokuma: No, you all get different punishments. It depends on what you're ultimate talent is. Like, say if you were a bike gang leader you'd probably die by a bike. See what I'm getting at?

Izuku Midoriya: Yeah, we get it. You can go away now.

Monokuma left and Uraraka-san jumped into my arms.

Ochako Urakaka: T-Tsuyu's not dead r-right?
She said between sobs as she hugged me.

I hugged her tighter as I started rubbing her back with my hands.

Izuku Midoriya: I wish, Uraraka-san. I-I miss her too.

I don't know why I said that, at the time she was a complete stranger so why did I miss her? Was it pity? I decided not to think about it too much and went to bed. The next morning we all got up and went to the gym. Everyone was there by the time I got up.

Fumikage Tokoyami: So, while you were sleeping, we decided to search the school for anything suspicious, like a locked room, or hidden passageway.

Rikido Sato: Want something to eat Midoriya?

Izuku Midoriya: Oh yeah thanks.

As I ate the room was vey quiet.

Izuku Midoriya: So, did you guys ever look or did you just decide on it?

Sero Hanta: We just decided on it we haven't actually done it yet we're waiting for you.

Izuku Midoriya: Ok! Wanna start then?

Koji Koda: We also d-decided to split i-into groups...

Kyouka Jirou: Ohh yeah! I forgot about that!

Mina Ashido: I can explain the groups to you!!

Izuku Midoriya: That would be great, thank you Mina!

Mina Ashido: Ok, we're going in groups of three except of one group, they will be a pair. Aoyama and Iida are with me; Kirishima, Kaminari and Yao-Momo are a group; next is Koda, Sato and Shoji; Sero, Ojiro and Jirou; then Todoroki, Fumikage and Hagakure. Then you and Ochako will be the pair!

Izuku Midoriya: Ok, have we decided who's looking where?

Tenya Iida: We have infact, my group will be looking around the trash area/trash room. Kirishima's group is looking by the stairs, Koda's group is looking around the kitchen area, Sero's group is looking around the gym, Todoroki's group is looking by the dorm area and you two are looking around the dining hall and entry foyer.

Izuku Midoriya: Ok thanks!

We all split off into our groups and started heading down to each our areas. But that's when something bad happened....

Chapter 5 The First Punishment: Completed

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