Germany 1

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This is the third week of training Italy and Japan. Things are going quite well in regards to Japan. He is quite a good listener and was able to catch on to the tasks set almost immediately. He does have a little trouble firing guns but that's only because he cant handle the force of it being fired quite yet, that's quite an easy fix.

Italy on the other hand (watch it, that's my brother your talking about) not so much. (*dramatic gasp* the nerve!) To be completely honest, I'm worried about him. He can do most of the physical things just fine. However, I dont think hes there mentally yet. He only seems to think of it like a game, completely unaware that he could die or be kidnapped by another nation. I'm trying my hardest with him to make sure hes prepared but to no avail.

I will always be there for both Japan and Italy, I'm just paranoid that I wont be there if another nation performs a sneak attack. I'm sure I'm just overthinking the whole situation. They have Made great improvement in only three weeks and I am very proud. To he honest, I think they'd be stronger than I am in a few months which is a good thing.

Spain's pov

"That's lovely!" I said happily.
"Yeah, but it doesn't excuse him working my brother to deaths door." Romano said coldly.

Authors note <3

Hi! I'm so thankful that you're reading this! I know these chapters have been quite short, that's because I'm running out of ideas! Please comment any characters, plots or ships you want to see! Once again, I am thankful for you, reader!


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