1 America

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I have a confession. (Off to a good start)
I've liked Ivan since I was a kid (oooooo) even though I played a bit rough with him. I remember one time, before I claimed my independence, asking Arthur about it. (Eesh, bad idea) I wanted to know if my feelings were genuine, what love was. (Bless him) I remember it so clearly, he was washing dishes when I asked. I remember his body jolting up and almost dropping the plate.

He then gave me the advice of a life time (go on, what does the brit know?)  He said that love was only a human thing. We, as countries, can experience it for a short period then it twists. "A man is not his country" is what he said to describe how no matter how we feel, our bosses are the ones that control us. "Theres nothing worse than being in love with the enemy". (Wow)

I then, reluctantly, asked him about marriage. Surely love was real. He was married. When I asked, his eyes dropped. I could tell I never should have asked. (No shit sherlock) he told me that the only reason he married francis was for financial gain. He explained France's dire situation and how their bosses at the time arranged their marriage. He spoke about how there was no reception and no rings, just a paper. I asked him why he even bothered if he didn't want to marry him. He then explained about his prior marriage to Rome. (Ya fucking wot?????) He told me about how his country's climate and lands were desirable and were often invaded. Soon enough, he was forced into a polygamous marriage with Rome and Egypt (WOT) . He did say, I still can't tell if his laughter was genuine, that was then only relationship he was in where it went both ways (erm, right).

He seemed to really get into this conversation. I never asked him about his past. I asked him what other relationships he had experienced. He said that he got around quite alot, but three people stood out. He spoke about how he used to be a pirate and had a fling with antonio (you never said anything about that!) (What did you think I meant by "special friends"?????) And then he mentioned my father, Francis. He told me that he was actually rather charming and charismatic out of wedlock.

I think Arthur did love him, just a little bit (aww) at least, that's what I hope. So I guess that undermines what he said before. I think the message he was actually trying to give me was "love is real, but don't get trapped in a one way relationship" (good words to live by) so, that does mean love is real, and my feelings for this man are genuine. I should do something... Alfred out!

"Aww, that was a cute one. Sort of." I said, closing the book

"Grandpa Rome.... no..."

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