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Chief: So, we took the girl's laptop today, to stop her from ruining the bots' lives- And we decided to make an announcement.

Heatwave: I don't want to be talking with children, but Optimus asked, so...

Dani: Dad specifically made a Google Classroom for our new Rescue Bots Academy! Run by the whole family. *wink*

Graham: Dad said it's just for fun, but here's some things we're working on:

Private rescue counseling

Pop quizzes(Not the ones Chase makes, but more like a scenario kind of thing)

Create your own rescue

Oc making

Chief: I'm not trying to promote the classroom here. It's just for fun. It's for kids to enjoy what others enjoy a lot. And I wish that kids would get more prepared for future rescues, like Cody.

Cody: *smiling* Here's the Google Classroom code: 4o6yrmt

Kade: Ugh, here's the link: https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzk1Nzk5MTkyNDAz?cjc=4o6yrmt

Chief: Now that we're done with ad- I mean, a just-for-fun classroom announcement, I'm gonna give the not-so-innocent girl back the laptop.



Chase: Blades, why are you wearing a dress?


Boulder: Oh no...

Heatwave: *leaves*

Blurr: *smirk*

Dani: PfFt-

Graham: Huh?

Chief: ???

Kade: *leaves*

Blades: ...Respect the drip, KAREN.


Chase: *insert sad music*

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