Yours and Sincerely

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Just recently, I discovered that my strength has always been in the form of letters. 

It's frustrating whenever I think of a story that I want to bring to life; yet couldn't find the words that would fit all the pieces. I find it hard to stitch all the threads to fit all singularity into a tiny universe.

And because of that struggle, I've come to create this world. 

Yours and Sincerely is an array of stories, in the form of letters. 

It's a constellation of star-like stories. 

Some may glimmer with hope. 

Few may flicker a light.

Others may awake a soul.

It's up to you - how you will allow them to struck you.

Needless to say, may our stars align in this one. 

Yours and Sincerely,

Therese Audrey

Yours and SincerelyWhere stories live. Discover now