The mission

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note: first time i did this! >.< i haven't been doing my stories lately sorry. This just saying but this chapter will be short but still i hope u enjoy!



The mission simply was to get rid of a few thieves in a small town. As normal Natsu got motion sickness and threw up a few times. Though the job was easy I didn't get away with out a few scratches. While chasing the thieves I tripped and fell causing her to twist her leg. So in the end I fought but couldn't walk and it hurt when I tried. Then when we had to get back Natsu had to carry me!!!!!  Happy keep om going " he llllllllllliiiiiiiikkkkkkkkkkeeeeeeesssssss yyyyoouuu!!" causing me to blush bright red like a tomato! I'm glad Natsu didn't notice I think.


I could feel Lucy's heart pounding real fast when I was carrying her and I could see that  her face was real red. I wonder why.....


 gets out of bed and gets ready Since I can walk now I'll go to the guild and see minna(everyone). Soon I arrived and was greeted by a series of friends.

 Lucy: Ohayo Minna! smiles (good morning everyone)

 walks over to the bar where Mira is

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