The spider - 1

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A/N: I think overall I used mostly they/ them pronouns so it's be more accessible for everyone who wants to read it I'm sorry if I accidentally didn't in a place I did put doll in some places but I kinda see that as just a pet name but I'm sorry if it bothers you :)

Warning: I guess spiders

You've been staying at the tower for a while ever since you got rescued from hydra. You were their experiment they were trying to recreate their useful winter solider so you were a super solider just like Bucky. You had become close with most of the team always hanging around Steve, Sam and Nat mostly which meant Bucky was always around too. You didn't dislike Bucky you actually thought he was super attractive and nice but you just never spent any alone time with him and it felt like when everyone else was around he shut down and rarely spoke, so you really didn't know him well.
This week though everyone would be on missions and Thor and Loki were visiting home so the whole compound would be empty except for you and Bucky due to the fact that the mission you two were assigned with Nat turned out to only need one person undercover not 3.
The first day everyone was gone you didn't see Bucky except for once at dinner time when you both ran into each other leaving your rooms that were next to each other you were both going to the kitchen to get dinner but Bucky barely spoke so you ate in your room.
The 2nd day you woke up, took a shower, brushed your teeth, got dressed and went to train. You trained for about 3 hours because you lost track of time then you went to your room after grabbing a snack in the kitchen and did some drawing then you took another shower cause you felt gross from training and then lazily watched tv. You put on criminal minds and watched mindlessly for hours, it was about 6 pm now and you hadn't even noticed how much time had gone by you decided it'd be a good idea to take a break and read but as you went to grab the book off your night stand you saw a huge spider and screamed.

Bucky's POV
I heard a scream from (Y/n)'s room so I jumped up out of my chair I was reading in and ran to see what the problem I hoped they were okay. Truthfully I've had the biggest crush on them but didn't know how to tell them, so I always felt nervous around them and didn't talk much.
As I opened their door it was the funniest sight. They were standing on their bed making themselves smaller and a spider was crawling on their bed at they waved a book in the air in the direction of the spider. I was kinda of annoyed at myself cause their scream made me so nervous and it's just a spider. I grabbed the cup I saw on the bedside table and trapped the spider and then grabbed a paper and slid it under the bottom of the cup and walked to the window and let the spider out.
*end of Buckys POV*

As Bucky let the spider out the window you climbed off your bed and calmed down, you were kinda embarrassed though it was just a spider and you were a super solider but that didn't change anything spiders are scary.
"Thank you" you said kind of quietly
No problem he said grinning his adorable grin
It made you feel butterflies in your stomach
how can one person be so hot and so adorable.
As Bucky went to leave you stopped him.
Wait what if there's another spider you asked knowing now you'd feel imaginary spiders on you for the next week, and have random anxiety thoughts about them. "I'm sure there won't be " he said trying to assure you it was fine now.
"But what if-"
"Do you wanna stay in my room" he kinda blurted out interrupted you "I mean if your comfortable with that of course I don't wanna overstep or anyth-"
"That'd be perfect" you said while grabbing your pillow and shaking it to make sure no spiders were hiding in it.
You got to bucky's room and kinda stood there awkwardly not sure what to do he got in his bed and you just stared at him like a child when telling their mom they threw up in the middle of the night
"Well come on" he said as he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into the bed next to him "I'll protect you from any spiders" he said kinda teasingly
"Thank you again Bucky, I know it's kinda stupid but they just freak me out I'm sure you think it's stupid but I appreciate you helping me"
"I'd never think a fear of yours is stupid doll" he said you kinda swooned at the nickname if only he knew you liked him and liked you back
He pulled you closer and you laid on his chest and started to fall asleep and you were pretty much sleeping he kissed your forehead and whispered "goodnight" and he slowly drifted off himself.


A/N: I hope this didn't suck and if I'm being honest I kinda think tarantulas are adorable I held one once and I couldn't even feel him on my hand until he moved. I also made Bucky move the spider outside cause killing bugs makes me sad and feel sick once my dog (her name is Lucifer) killed a weird green leaf bug and I puked 😭 (I realize as I'm typing this that's kinda embarrassing)

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