Chapter 19

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* 2 weeks later*
*graces pov*
Ughhhh I'm so tired of the boys! No not like I want them to leave or something but their being SO annoying!
I hate how they always have shows every single night, I know they can't help it but I feel like I haven't talked to them in forever.
I usually stay on the tour bus, yea we switched back to the tour bus not so fun. So by the time they get back I'm asleep because I LOVE MY SLEEP.
There always so busy and I know they can't help it. stupid tour * rolls eyes*.
When there busy in the day I usually spend my day watching Netflix or something like that.
I woke up in my bunk I was all comfy when I heard feet outside "I feel bad that were never here" I here ashton sigh, "I know we do too but we can't help it, maybe she'll be happy about tonight" calum said "I hope" I hear ashton mutter. What's this about tonight? I wonder.
I heard the boys leave and my phone went off.
We know you were awake we left money on the table buy something fancy for tonight! - luke.
I was confused but went with it, I need to get out anyways.
I grabbed some clothes and headed towards the bathroom.
I stepped in the shower and started to sing, "GIVE SOME CREDIT WHERE ITS DO!!" I sang at the top of my lungs. Once I was done I changed into, jeans, a black short-sleeve crop top, and mint vans. I blow dried my hair and put into a sock bun and added a little mint bow.
( A/n go see my polyvore for the outfit omq-grace)
I did my make up and put on my glasses, I grabbed the money off the table and walked out.
I have been walking for 15 minutes when I realized I didn't eat breakfast, great now I'm hungry so I walked to the nearest Starbucks.
I walked in to be filled with the smell of coffee, I smiled and walked up to the register "um hi can I have a grande double chocolaty-chip frappe and a blueberry muffin." I ask "sure" she replied a little to happily "alright total is $8.43." I pull out the money and give it to her and she gave me my stuff.
I walked out and decided to sit outside. I ate in silence and threw away my trash.
I headed to the mall there were some people that recognized my so they came up to me.
"Grace! What do you think about tonight?" The reporter yelled I looked at him confused "what do you mean?" I ask "the awards what do you think?" He said, so that's what the boys were keeping from me. "I think they'll be fun." I said with a fake smile and walked away.
I came up to the mall and starters to look for dresses.
"Hmmm" I say looking through the dresses "do you need any help?" Someone asked I turned around only to see Avery! What in the world is she doing here? "AVERY!" I shout causing people to look at me..
"What are you doing here?" I ask she smirked "the boys flew me out here for a little while" she said "REALLY?!" I ask excited "yep" she says"where are you staying?" I ask "my grandparents, they also wanted to see me." she said while shrugging "oh can you help me" I ask "honey that's why I'm here" she says with a smirk.
"Ughhh Avery None of these look right!" I say from the dressing "try this last one on!" She yelled back me while throwing a dress at me.
I sighed and put on the dress, it's gorgeous it was a strapless teal dress. I walked out so Avery can see she gasped "omg it's perfect your buying it" she said I agreed and put back on my clothes.
We bought me more things like shoes, clutch, makeup, jewelry, etc.
"Ready for you make over darling?" Avery asked me "yes" I said and she got to work.
Couple hours later she finished she took her time but let me say I looked fine.
She curled my brown hair loosely .
She did a smokey eyes with some mascara, I had on pink lip stick too.
"Bye grace I'm leaving have fun!" Avery yelled "ok I will kiss kiss darling!!!" I scream back "kiss kiss darling!!" She yelled then left.
I put on my Diamond earrings and smile at my reflection.
"GRACE WERE BACK ARE YOU READY?!" Michael asks "YESS HOLD ON!" I yell back I slip on my sliver shoes and grab my clutch that has my phone and money, I walk out and all eyes are on me.
"im ready!" I say "you look fancy" calum says "well that's what you said" I say they laughed.
We walked out to the LIMO?!
"We're using a limo?!" I asked with excitement
"We sure are" ashton Chirps
We get to the thing and there are lots of cameras.
We step out and I get blinded by the flashes I blink really fast to see it'll help it kinda does.
I plaster a smile on my face while people shout questions at me.
When we got in there I lost the boys great so I'm awkwardly standing there until the paparazzi notices me.
They start to ask questions so I answer, my wrist is grabbed by a large hand I get yanked out of the little circle only to come face to face with Michael.
"What do you think your doing?!" Michael say raising his voice
"Answering questions duh" I say in a sassy tone.
"Don't use that tone with me!" He says getting angrier
I roll my eyes but he grabs my wrist and literally drags me to where the other boys are.
"Where were you?!" Ashton says just like Michael did, why are they mad it's not like I ran away I got LOST.
"I got lost ok?" Getting annoyed
"Stop" Ashton says
I groan and walk with them to our seats.
We were leaving when some more paparazzi come up to me I smile and get ready to start, when I get pulled away.
"WHAT THE HECK" I say getting mad
"Why do you keep talking to them?!" Calum says using his angry voice
"Because I can!" I yell
"STOP YELLING AT US!" Luke screams at me
"THEN STOP YELLING AT ME!, You know what forget this." I say slip off my heels and run.
I ignore the calls behind me I just run.

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