Chapter 4: Prophecy Foretold

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I woke to see I was in the guest bedroom. All four walls were grey. The wall in front of me had a dresser, that I knew was filled with clothes. On both sides of the bed, were two nightstands, both dark brown with two drawers. On the left of me was the guest bathroom. The skeleton of the bed was brown, and the mattress had a pink bedsheet with matching pillows.

I got off the bed and walked towards the door. When, I went out, I heard my mom and grandma screaming at each other downstairs. I started listening to the conversation, as I was walking downstairs. "She's not ready!", exclaimed my mom, in anger. "There's no time that she'll ever be ready, Nancy! You have to realize that!", retorted Grandma. "I never wanted her to be like this and have the life that I did! To become and do what I did growing up!", exclaimed mom. "Well, she doesn't have a choice! The prophecy knew what it was doing when it chose her! You know that it cannot be avoided!", exclaimed Grandma. At that point, I had fully reached down the stairs.

"What's going on?", I questioned. "Kayla! You scared us. Do you need anything, sweetie?", said Mom, nervously. "What 's Grandma talking about?", I asked ignoring her question, "And what do you mean "to become and do what I did growing up?". My mom looks at me in shock. "Sweetie, maybe we should talk about this later-", my mom began. "No! If it's something about me, then I need to hear it. Mom, what am I?", I asked sternly. Mom took a deep breath. "You... you're a witch, sweetie", she said finally.

I stood there silent for a moment. Then a burst out laughing. "A witch? Mom you have got to be kidding!", I said between laughs. "I'm.. I'm not sweetie", said Mom, in a serious tone. I then stopped laughing and realized she was being serious. "I'm... I'm a WHAT?!", I yelled, in shock. "A witch, child, you're a witch", said Grandma, in a soothing tone. I went to the couch and sat down, processing all of what my mom just said.

A witch! How the heck could I be a witch?, I thought. "I know this is a lot to take in. There are a lot of things that I have to explain to you", said Mom, sitting beside me. "Were you ever going tell me about this?", I questioned, very disappointed. My mom sighed. "No, I wasn't going to tell you. Simply because I didn't want you to experience what I had growing up", Mom continued, "But now, I can't keep it a secret from you anymore". I took a deep breath. "Okay", I said, calmly. If you have any questions about this, you can me or Grandma, and we will answer them the best we can", Mom said, willingly.

"Okay. First off, are you and Grandma witches?", I asked, curiously. "Yes we are. There is a magical gene in our family that passes down to the first born child. It goes down for generations and generations", Mom explained. "Okay. Are there different kinds of witches, and, guy witches?", I asked, unsure if that was the right term to use for boys. "Well, first off, guys are called warlocks", mom said with a giggle, "and second, yes they do exist". "Was dad a Warlock?", I asked next. "You father was not a Warlock; he was a Cipher", exclaimed Mom. "Cipher?", I asked, confused. "That's what we call people who don't have magic", explained Grandma. " Like how in Harry Potter, when they call non-magical people muggles?", I asked. "Yes, exactly like that", beamed Mom.

I contemplated on what I was going to ask next. Suddenly, the question came into my head. "What is the prophecy?", I said curiously. Mom paused for a moment. Then she turned to Grandma and said "Should you tell her or should I?". Grandma responded saying "I will tell her". Grandma then put her hands in front of her and said some unfamiliar words.

The then appeared, floating in mid air. I was shocked. "Whoa! Grandma, how did you do that?", I asked, shocked. Grandma chuckled. "It's just a small spell that I use from time to time. You'll learn it soon enough", said Grandma, reassuringly. She then opened the book, and an image appeared in mid air.

"Long ago, before magic existed, Gods and Goddesses lived peacefully in Olympus, taking care of the earth, and making sure that everything is balanced. Each God and Goddess had a specific job. One had to make sure the land was filled with nature, another had to control the water around the land. And one had to let it rain whenever nature needed it. There were many jobs that were needed in order to keep the earth balanced. It was like the that for many, many years."

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