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-Chapter 6'1 "Info"-
Me 👏✨

Hello readers, call me Min, today I'll be teaching you how the bracelets on the legs of the Abyss people work, because im sure it's confusing, so read carefully and pay attention and ignore the grammar mistakes :-P
let's start our lesson!
It all started ✨back✨ in 2971, if you didn't pay attention to the description of the story I'll remind you that this story is written in the future!!
Year 2971, the start of a new era, the last ruler of the comapny died early, ten years earlier, leaving his still existent wife to rule for 10 years before the son took over at the age of eighteen. The son was eight when his father died.
Naturally the boy became eighteen, to avoid spoilers I'll make it short and say that his mother died!
The boy became a ruler, every ruler has to be crazy, but this one was more than just crazy, since young actually, he was always dumb crazy. After talking over as a ruler, he imideatly made all men have important positions leaving the women in the Abyss all alone. In around ten years he was announced as the secound most craziest ruler after the founder of the company who was first.
This ruler, exactly the *17th ruler*, has a crazy God complex.
He needed to make the women suffer, he needed to see them scream his name, he needed them to follow him and him only, all these thoughts made him decide on creating something new, an invention that will make all the ladies call men by the nickname "master." (I cringed while writting this✌️)
All people inside the company (including the ruler) wears a tracker, but a tracker only, the idea of a tracker was created by the 9th ruler in 2501 and was released by his son the 10th ruler in 2561. And this 17th ruler wanted to upgrade the device, so that's what he did, it took him long enough since he wanted to do it himself, and he desperately wanted him to realese the product not his son.
from year 3001
till year 3016
15 years to be exact, he worked on the new trackers all alone.
But he needed to do tests to make sure the device works.
2 children, a girl and a guy in order to see the different affects between the two types of sex.
The girl was four, the guy was six, it all happened in year 3001.
And in the same year he brought a thirteen year old girl as a doctor to check  up on their condition. The man never accepted having a doctore over fifteen,(in his head the children didn't grow) she could help those rats escape, that was his only thought.
The ages of the kids when they got out were 19, 21, 28.
Year 3016.
The kids one by one left, the tests were a success, every women who would step a foot inside the Abyss will have a bracelet around their feet that is connected to the vocal coards, and yes the device still worked as a tracker.
How the device works?
The device is basically showing the location of every one who wears it (the dots on the screen are the tracker) and it's able to detect any human near by.
To woman- it's connected to their vocal coards, the device will detect the person their talking to, if it's another woman, it won't be necessary to use the master word. But if they're near by a man, they have to say it, or else it will Electrocute them and can cause death, some Abyss women died while swearing at the ruler.
While man even thought the amount of men is little - the device will only works as a tracker, but it will still connect to the vocal coards only to make sure if anybody spils anything about the company, if they do they'll get electrocuted to death and the person who'll know anything about the company will get killed, this applies to women as well.
Hope you understood something!!
Its been 13 years since the kids left they are now 32-34-41
Someone please guess in what year the story happened  :-[  and it's calculated math not just random numbers.

(note : every ruler rulers for 60 years except the one who died 10 years earlier. )
. . .
-End of Chapter 6'1 "Info"-

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