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Charley sat in the kitchen as Jamie walked in and smiled as she looked to him. She saw gabby follow him like a lap dog and rolled her eyes.

Charley knew that gabby was really getting to her but she also knew how she had promised jamie that she would let it go and Charley knew it wasn't that easy but she knew that she was going to try.

She looked to gabby and glared as gabby looked as if she was keeping busy.

"You know that she's following you don't you. Probably wants you in bed" Charley said as Jamie smirked

"she'd have to get through you first and that's not something you want to do lightly" jamie said as Charley looked to him and smirked

"what are you trying to suggest" Charley asked

"that I know my fiancée, the mother of my child and I wanted to run something by you" he said as he sat down at the other side and looked to her as she looked to him and smiled

"what's that"

"how would you feel over us having another baby" he asked as gabby stormed out

"unbelievable" she said as Charley smirked

"really?" She asked as she looked to jamie as he smiled

"yeah I think talia needs a sibling just think about it okay" jamie said as Charley looked to him and nodded      

Charley smiled as she found ella in the cafe and smiled

"I have been calling you I was worried. Are you okay" Charley asked as Ella smiled

"I don't know my head is a mess. I know I said I was going to go through and have the abortion the appointment is in a few days but now I don't know" Ella said as Charley took a hold of her hand and smiled

"do you know I was going to have an abortion with talia" Charley asked as Ella frowned

"you were?"

"Yeah jamie and I were only together a few months. I didn't even tell him. I booked myself in and I sat in the room and I couldn't. I found jamie at university and told him. It was a shock and he proposed and I wouldn't change talia for the world. It could of broken us apart if I didn't tell him and I'm glad I had her. You are allowed to change your mind that's all and I promise you that you are not alone" Charley said as Ella looked to her and smiled

"I don't have a jamie"

"but you have a family who will love you and support you. You don't have to do this if you don't want to. No matter what" Charley said as Ella looked to her and smiled

Charley walked into home farm as she saw talia as she stood with gabby

"talia come here" Charley said as talia walked over to her as Charley picked her up and smiled

"you must think I am stupid, I know your game. Stay away from her and stay away from Jamie as in the blink of an eye I can ruin you" Charley said as gabby smiled

"kim wouldn't let that happen" Gabby said as Charley rolled her eyes

"you really think she will stop me. You have met my mother and I am a lot worse than her. You mess with my family I will find a way to make you disappear and that is a promise" Charley said as she walked off. She was going to make gabby pay no matter what

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