The Party

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AN: As I said this is my first Billie story so go easy. This chapter contains the following:
Explicit language, alcohol, shitty dads (lmao) and mild sexual references (smut will come later)

Natalia's POV
I am never drinking again.

Looking up at the bathroom mirror, I grip the edge of the sink to steady myself. At least I didn't look as out of it as I felt. A few hours into the night and my makeup stayed relatively intact, though I still had to shake off the powerful urge to rub my eyes. I bent over again resting my forehead against my hands to try and stop my head from spinning. All of a sudden, my head started thumping and I squeeze my eyes shut desperately trying to make the feeling go away. When it did after a moment, I opened my eyes feeling confused. That normally didn't work.

The door to my right suddenly swung open. It took me a second to realize the thumping wasn't in my head and it was actually someone else wanting to use the restroom. I stood up straight and turned to face the slightly taken back girl. As my eyes adjusted to her features I found myself being pulled into her bright blue eyes. Even after 6 shots of Hennessy, I could immediately put a name to those eyes.

Billie Eilish.

I first met Billie our junior year of high school in the pre-calculus class we shared. During one of our first 3 question tests, I noticed her anxiously tapping her pencil while looking down at the paper in front of her like it was her worst enemy. When she erased the equation on her page for the fourth time, I had decided to offer her a little mercy. After making sure Mr. Soto was distracted by his computer, I quietly leaned over and switched our papers. Billie was startled but didn't say anything. Her eyebrows raised when she saw me working through the problems quickly and with ease. Math was always my best subject. After I finished, I took one more glance at our teacher before switching them back.

After that day we talked a lot more. She thanked me for helping her out and promised that she wouldn't show up so unprepared for a test like that again. Not that I would've minded. I couldn't put my finger on it at the time but something in me really wanted to help her out again just to see the smile she gave me after.

It wasn't until I saw her with her boyfriend at the end of junior year did I realize what that 'something' was. The slight jealousy I felt in my stomach confused the hell out of me. Up until then I had only had crushes on guys. When I gave it more thought, I realized that's exactly what I had for Billie. We only talked in class and would occasionally give each other a nod or smile when we passed each other in the hall but those moments had started to become the highlight of my day.

I also couldn't help but notice the way I'd catch her looking at me during class. The way her eyes flickered to my lips for a moment before smirking and looking away made me blush. So when I saw him kissing her I felt jealous. Not in a weird possessive way but jealous of the fact that I wasn't the one kissing her. When she wasn't looking, I'd also let my eyes go to her lips. They were a pretty pink and looked so soft, especially after she put on some Aquaphor. I thought too often about what it'd feel like to kiss her.

I still want to kiss her now, a few months into our senior year. I saw her earlier in the night as I stepped in the house with a few of my friends and gave her a small smile. She responded with a tip of her red solo cup and resumed talking to the people she was with. I hadn't seen her for the rest of the night but I heard someone say that her and Brandon? I guess that was his name, had broken up a week or so prior. It should've been obvious by the way her smile wouldn't quite reach her eyes lately.

Looking at her standing in front of me now, I was desperate to see it.

"Oh, my bad," she said kindly, stepping back and reaching to close the door.

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