The Mall

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AN: I am so sorry this is so late and a little shorter than usual but I will make up for it in the next one which will be the last chapter of this story. I hope you enjoy and please feel free to comment! :)

We should talk about it.

In the back of Billie's mind, she had that thought. But the forefront of her mind was completely clouded by the feeling of Nat. It had been just under three months since her birthday and she still hasn't fulfilled her promise of asking her out. But not for lack of trying. For instance, a month ago when they were having another movie night at her house, Billie tried to ask.

"Hey Nat?" Billie starts, looking away from the horror movie they put on.

"Hmm?" she responded, still watching the screen.

"I ... really like you."

There. She had said it. Natalia pulls her eyes away from the screen to look at Billie.

"I really like you too," she smiles softly.

Okay... that's. Alright so obviously she needed to elaborate a bit. Just as she was going to, a piercing scream tore its way through the living room and Nat clutched onto her for dear life.

"Fucking hell. I don't know why I let you put these goddamn movies on," she says, her voice muffled against Billie's chest.

Her reaction made Billie chuckle lightly. For the rest of the movie, she stayed pressed against her chest, only occasionally peeking her eyes at whatever was happening on the screen. Running her fingers through Nat's hair, Billie decided that they can just finish talking about it another day.

The next time she tried wasn't until about two week after that. The time on her phone read 2:16 am but Billie couldn't sleep. They had gone on a walk and got lost so they spent the majority of the day walking around aimlessly until they finally found a familiar path. When they got to Billie's they crashed onto her bed tiredly and it didn't take Nat long to fall asleep. Billie on the other hand had been staring at the ceiling, not because she wasn't also tired but because she had a lot on her mind. Well, one person was on her mind. She turned to glance at the girl sleeping peacefully next to her.

She really didn't understand it. It was so easy being with her all the time. They talked about everything, told each other things no one else knows. They were best friends. So why is it so hard to just ask? She felt scared but she wasn't sure of exactly what. That she'd reject her? That she doesn't feel the same way? That it would change the way things are now but not in a good way? That Nat would want to keep things the way they are with no actual commitment? That she doesn't want Billie to be her first girlfriend?

Billie puts her hands on her face and groans, making her bedmate stir and turn on her side facing her. She can hear the way she breathes and wonders how deep asleep she really was considering she doesn't snore so there's really no way to tell. She looked at her again and then felt an emotion stronger than fear.

"Nat?" she called out, gently.

"Mmm?" she hummed back, her face barely moving.

Billie wondered how conscious she really was. She was still breathing steadily and believe it or not, it wouldn't be the first time she's talked in her sleep. Maybe this is her chance of asking without actually asking yet.

"Will you go out with me?" she whispered.

Nat throws her arm over Billie's waist and pulls herself closer, using her shoulder as a pillow.

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