11.Body Distraction

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Aryan's POV

Here I am in my Office, feeling so Frustrated because of one more suicide case.

I am running like a bull in my cabin as if i will kill anyone, anytime.

Right now what i need is Peace, peace and peace. Not because I am unable to solve the case but because I am unable to save one more poor soul.

Soon someone calls me, it's mom

"Hello? Aryan?"

I sit on my chair and message my head.

"Haan Mom"

"Beta when will you come back home?? It's already 1 am"

I look at my watch and sigh "just leaving mom"

"Come fast beta, I am worried"

"Yes mom just leaving"


She cuts the call.


I reach my house and mom opens the door.

I hug her.

"Come let's eat food first" she said rubbing my back.

I change and I saw mom standing in my room with food.

She placed it on the bed and I sit down to eat.

She feed me food with her hands and I just eat quitely.

She keeps the plate aside and Place my head on her laps and she runs her hands through my hairs.

Tears slip my eyes and I speak "again mom, again someone died and I couldn't do anything, people trust me to save thier lifes but I couldn't, I just couldn't Mom"

"How can you say that they died because of you?"

"Because I have been given a case mom, in which college girls are commenting sucide and I know one same reason is behind all this but I can't even find anything, nothing mom"

"Your Are ACP Aryan and it's your duty to save lifes before they die and Aryan, you are crying. You shouldn't beta, instead you should get strong, because the one who is behind all this must be happy right now. You don't Cry, instead make him cry, make him cry because of whom innocent girls are crying"

I nod "you are right mom" I rub my tears

"Take off tomorrow and start your work fresh, day after tomorrow. Let your brain get rejuvenated and then you will see, how your brain will work and if still you want to work, then work just a little bit, okay"

"Yes mom, i need a break"

"Good now sleep"

I sit on the bed and she kiss my forehead "my brave Aryan"

I smile and she stands up to leave but then she says "what's this?"

She picks up the crumbled paper in which Bhawna wrote Thank you Aryan ji.

I immediately stand up and grab it away from her "nothing mom, it's just my old case paper, you go and sleep. It's already 2am"

"I am going but as I am getting old, I want a nice daughter in law who will wake up late night instead of me for my son" she pulls my cheek.

"Mom, not now please. Good night"

She giggles "good night"

I close the door and uncrumble the paper and smile.

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