15.Pledge broken?

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Bhawna's POV

It's been many days since that incidence happened with me, I was sleeping with Mummy Papa till now.

They kept me happy and did everything possible to make me Happy.

Not only that but Aryan ji's Parents also helped me alot. They used to come to our house, she taught me many new dishes also shared her college life experiences with me and when she got married.

She talked to me as if I am her friend. I smiled alot when she was beside me.

Uncle and Aunty used to fight with eachother and taunted eachother and I laughed alot.

Di also came up for two days to meet me and Brought many new dresses for me which I wanted and I even Grabbed her dresses which I liked the most which she never let me touch.

Sometimes I did cry remembering that incidence but I control my self or Mummy Papa Help me.

In the college as well everything thing is normal, nobody gossips anything useless plus I even complained against that Bastard, All thanks to Aryan ji.

He is the biggest support of mine. If he  wouldn't have made me understand and Consoled me with his words then I don't think I would have come out of this grief, which is still there a bit but for all of then I try to be normal.

Though He became so much busy with his work, I couldn't see him often, Just twice when I used to water the Plants.

I used to Pass him smile and even he did the same.

As I said, I am not sleeping in my room, I couldn't see him that much.

But Now it's time that I have to Thank him. Thank him in A bit simple and sweet manner.

Umm but what should I do.



"Finally!" I sigh.

But when Should I give him this??

At his house?? No!

Why? Because I want to give him when no one is around, I mean his Family members and Mine.

In his station, after college! Great.

Aryan's POV

"Damn it Rohit, this information isn't enough, We want more, The crime rate is increasing!" I say with Frustration.

"Aryan this is what, I can find" He said

"Rohit, this isn't an excuse, put in the best investigators,Now"

"Sure Aryan"

"Start it right now"

He salutes and move out from the room.

Then someone knocks.

"Yes?" I say massaging My head.

"Sir someone is there to meet you"


"Scooty Mam"

I knit my brows "Scooty Mam?"

"Yes sir, The case which you personally took Up"

"Bhawna!" I let out

My Rajesh (constable) smiles "yes sir"

"Why did she came?"

"Sir she said, when you get free then let her know"

"From how long she has been waiting for me?"

"It has been 2 hours since she came"

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