Joshbi (Josh and Abi)

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I was sitting in my seat waiting for class to start but then Josh walked in. We went on that date but I don't know what we are. "Josh." I said getting up from my seat and I gave him a hug. "Hey." He said smiling at me "what are you doing here?" I asked "my school let out early so I am helping my brother with is class until the end of the year." With that I smiled and sat down.
Brandon POV
I really like Abi Frier she is so beautiful so toady during history I walked up to her and said "Abi I really like you." Her eyes widened at something behind me I turned around and saw 16 year old guy.
Josh POV
I heard a guy say that he likes Abi I came up behind him and her beautiful green, blue eyes widened. I tapped the guys shoulders and said "What do you think you are doing?" "Asking a pretty girl out so back off." He said we got up in each others face he was about to punch me before Abi stepped in and said "break it up and go and sit down." So we did.
Mr.Mathews POV
I was finally teaching the class about Belgium 1831 then I saw Brandon stare at Abi like Lucas stares at Riley then he said "Hey, Abi wanna go out some time." She was about to reply when I heard a growl from next to me before I knew it Josh had brought Brandon to the front of the class and had him by the collar of his leather jacket. Let's see how this goes.

Josh yelled in Brandon's face "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING!?" Brandon simply replied "Asking Abi out so let me get back to it." Josh punched him. I stared at them in horror as the fight advanced "Abi are they fighting over you?" Maya asked "uhh yeah" I said. Maya said "oh my god." I turned my attention back to the fight what I saw gave me a heart attack. Josh about to get knock out. I sprang out of my seat and pushed Brandon. Hard. Then I said " Tell me one reason why either of you would want to date me." Silence. I got red in the face and said "That is what I thought." I turned to Brandon and said "If you come near me one more time I swear you will regret it." I turned to Josh and said "I knew that there was someone could actually care about me and I thought that that person was you but I guess I was wrong." I walked out of the class room and into the music room. And started singing and playing the piano
Maya POV
I don't care if he is my best friends uncle he is going to pay. And I think me and Lucas had the same idea. I walked up to Josh "listen here-" I was cut off by Lucas hand on my mouth I looked up at him. And then I knew what I had to do. I looked every where for her and then I heard singing I looked in the music room and saw Abi singing.

"Out of the ashes I am burning like a fire. You can save your apologies your nothing but a liar. I got shame, I got scares that I will never show. I am a survivor in more ways then you know. Cause all the pain and the truth I wear like a battle wound so ashamed so confused I was broken and bruised cause now I am a warrior now I got thinker skin. Now I am warrior stronger than I ever been and my armor is made of steel you can't get in I am a wararior and you can never hurt me again." I started clapping and whooping she turned around looked at me wide eyed and said "How much did you hear." "Most of it." I said "how could you not tell us that you can sing ." "Lucas knows and all of my dad's side of the family." She said "you should sing for people." I said "I don't know." She said "think about it." She nodded her head and we went back to class.

Josh POV
I really screwed up with Abi so I decided to go and apologize. I knocked on her window. She looked over at me and said "what do you want?" "Just let me in." I said pleadingly she rolled her eyes and opened the window "What." She said " Look Abi I know I messed up and what I did I know was wrong but when I saw Brandon flirting with you I got jealous. Really like you Abi please give me another chance." I said and then she kissed me I kissed back and when we parted I said "so that's a yes?" She laughed and said "yes it is" we kissed again. What a perfect ending to a shitty day.

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